
Showing posts with the label Greed

I Admit to being a Sick Person, I Love Watching Klan Families Fight Among Themselves

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s stop ignoring the truth: the “Republican Party” is in total disarray and fighting among themselves. This was inevitable. When your party’s leader is a mentally deranged malignant narcissist, and is constantly surrounded by chaos and desperation, the trickle-down theory applies. Republicans Are Deserting a Sinking Ship Every day I read about an increasing number of right-wing politicians who are quietly breaking away from Trump’s hold over them. As the base of the once Grand Old Party continues to decline, a growing number of fake Republicans are looking elsewhere for support. In every primary state, a percentage of Republican voters who chose Trump say that they will not vote for him in the general election. I doubt they will vote for Biden, but if they choose not to vote, they will be supporting President Biden’s reelection. No One On the Right Side of the Aisle is Qualified to Hold Any Office at Any Level The most recent squabble inside of

The NFL has Joined the NBA and MLB in Making Professional Sports Boring and Immaterial

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I loved all three professional sports when I was young. I was a huge fan of the Los Angeles Lakers, the Los Angeles Dodgers, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. As rule changes, and even the lack of change became realities, I no longer had any interest in professional baseball or basketball, and in 2023 I am losing my interest in the NFL. First and last, as it is for everything else in America, the primary reason: money. All major professional sports have placed profits ahead of the games. No average working man can afford to attend any of the games on a regular basis. I will also discuss free agency, television profits, and salaries which are beyond ridiculous. America is a money cult, not a nation of people. If you are not rich, you can only dream about the American way of life promised in books and movies. The second reason which caused me to lose interest in other sports is free agency. The greed of athletes destroyed the “team concept” forever. The Monday Night

Trump’s Only God is Money and His Greed May Become His Downfall

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is wrong about everything. His ignorance is exposed every time he opens his pie hole. If he has a brain, it is either very small or infected with a terminal disease. The Trump Klan has one god and that god is money. Sadly, Fred Trump’s descendants were failures. Fred Trump gifted his son, Donald, with more than 400 million dollars, paid for deferments from the war in Vietnam, and likely bought his diploma from Wharton. It took less than two years for him to lose everything. His real estate “empire” only existed because the Saudi Royal family bailed him out, and Russian Oligarchs laundered billions of dollars buying properties whose values were inflated by the Trump organization. Think about this irrefutable fact. Somehow millions of voters gifted Trump with the Electoral College in 2016 and this lifelong failure became our nation’s 45 th president. There had never been a greater disaster in American history. For four years he did nothing wit

Today’s Commercial Airlines Charge Lots of Money to be Treated Like Animals

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   My wife and I refuse to fly on any commercial airline. The last time we flew together was in 1998. We traveled to Florida to celebrate our daughter’s 21 st birthday. On the way home we stopped in Denver to visit my brother. This experience, a combination of very bad weather, and the complete lack of customer service, combined with blatant lies from employees of United Airlines, was painful and unforgivable. We vowed never to fly on a commercial airline again. I wrote a letter to United’s vice-president of customer relations, explaining that I had been an employee of an airline between 1967 and 1976 and informed them that I would never again fly on their airline. I received a return letter containing an apology and two $100 vouchers for future air travel. I returned the vouchers with a short note informing them that I meant what I said and would never patronize their company again. In 2009 and 2010, I was employed by the 2010 Decennial Census and was