Is it Possible that “Little Marco” Could be the Worst Vice-President Since Dan Quayle?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For the most part, the laziest Senator in Washington, Marco Rubio, has remained out of the public eye since he was crushed in the “debates” by Trump in 2016. However, like most “Republicans,” he is desperate to remain identifiable to right-wing voters. He is literally begging Trump to select him as his running mate. Maybe he wants to know what it feels like to be hung from a rope before the television cameras. Rubio created a reputation for himself in the Senate. He missed more votes than any other member in his first term, earning him the deserved reputation of “lazy.” Maybe Vice-President is the perfect job for Rubio. Most of the men who were second in line for the presidency did nothing or importance, and were nearly forgotten by the American people unless they did something which resulted in ridicule. You might remember Dan Quayle correcting a young man who had spelled potato correctly, but Quayle corrected him, adding an “e”. Then there was Mike...