
Showing posts with the label Bush 41

Millions of People Fear Artificial Intelligence, but the Truth is, “Could it be Worse than Professional Politicians and Other Dictators?”

Two statements are accurate: “All Governments are bad, some are simply worse than others,” and “all humans are flawed, some by honest mistakes and some by choice.” Some people choose not to believe that evil is a reality and threatens everything that happens every day in America. These same people fear the inevitable advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AI, for one reason: computers are far more intelligent than any human being. Think about it. If you are a septuagenarian, as I am, you know that over time those we consider to be of great intelligence prove us wrong. Human beings are flawed; some more than others. We must study history, and we must learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. Republicans continue their attempts to hide the truth by erasing historical fact. Racism, bigotry, homophobia, religious prejudice, and misogyny would be removed from our history books if those who call themselves “Republicans” have their way. If you would like to experience the essence o...

Sometimes I Think No One is Paying Attention and That’s How Republicans Like It

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump and his pretend Republican Party fear one thing more than anything else: the truth. I am saddened that I don’t have a million followers who cannot wait to read my blog daily. However, I will tell you once again about the most important issue in every election year, the economy. I’m going to take you back to 1981. Republicans would like you to believe that Ronald Reagan was a great president. This is far from the truth. In my estimation, he is listed in the category of the five worst presidents in history. The Corruption Which Exists in Washington Today Began in 1981 The truth about Reagan is revealed in his domestic policy. Reagan was the first Republican president to demand unquestioned loyalty from his party. Free thought and opposition to our 40 th president’s policies were forbidden. The entire right side of the Capitol Building was united against the left side, and occasionally each other.. It was Reagan who began the wars on the working class...

How Republicans Failed the American People Since 1981 with Economic Incompetence

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Reagan, Geoge H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump all implemented the most failed economic policy in history. “Trickle Down Economics,” the policy which Reagan called “Supply Side Economics,” was created by your failed 40 th president, claiming that if the rich have more money, they will create good paying jobs for the American people. This was the biggest pile of bullshit in American history. The super-rich simply placed their additional profits in offshore accounts, or in the purchase of additional mansions or islands.    When Reagan left office in 1989, his failures left our nation in debt for more than a trillion dollars. Two Bush’s and a Trump continued this failed policy, and nearly placed our country in another Great Depression.    In 1993 Democrat Bill Clinton bailed out Reagan and George H.W. Bush. When he left office in 2001, the national debt had been erased, and our national treasury experienced a surp lus.  ...

You Voted For Them: You are to Blame

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, and all the others: If you are complaining about our government and your life in general, and voted for these men or any other “MAGA Republican,” I do not feel sorry for you because you got what you voted for. In 2016 my state of Nevada became a “blue state.” We had a Republican Governor, but Brian Sandoval was the best of all since I moved here in 1986. However, in 2022, Nevada’s voters chose to elect an avid Trump supporter, and a totally unqualified former Clark County Sheriff, Joe Lombardo, to lead our state. The complaints about him are many, refusing to care for the needs of the majority and supporting big business at the top of the list. Once again, you deserve what happens to you if you voted for any Republican in the 21 st century. If you continue to support the three aforementioned men, who have never accomplished anything in their lives, you deserve what you get, including the possible end of our nation. Year...