What is Necessary to be Happy?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It’s easy to remember the difficult, and sad times in our life. Why is it so hard to remember when we were truly happy? Let me begin with an irrefutable fact: if you spend hours each day on social media, you will never be truly happy. Social media stresses the importance of wealth, fame, power, and acceptance into a level of society which is unrealistic. Your life will lack fulfillment if your only goal in life is to obtain material things. Let’s make time for a little introspection. Try very hard to remember a time you wished would last forever. Maybe it was the first time you knew you could ride a bike. Could it have been the first time you played baseball, or basketball? It could have been the first time you were kissed by a boy or girl, or danced with someone who you were sure would become the love of your life. We remember our failures and rejections, but not the successes and the joy of our first love. One of my favorite axioms was w...