It’s Cheaper and Less Painful to Die than to be Financially Raped by a “For Profit” Hospital

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In the United States, a single night’s stay in a hospital will cost $2607. A normal birth of a child, $14,768. The least expensive heart surgery: angioplasty: $28,200. Open heart surgery with a highly rated surgeon: $200,000. Care for Leukemia: annually, $156,000. And the list goes on and on. These are all costs to patients like me who have no healthcare. When my wife and I were eligible for Medicare, healthcare we paid for all of our working years, we could not afford the monthly cost and keep our home. Now we cannot afford the penalties because we couldn't afford it several years ago. Is Medicare a viable option for all seniors? I don’t think so. I believe that no senior American should be required to pay anything for healthcare. I fail to understand politicians when they claim that America is the richest country in the world. I don’t live in that country. If this is true, there is no excuse why the United States is the only country in th...