There’s Batshit Crazy, and then There’s F**king Insanity

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you live in a red state, it is an undeniable fact that your state government is batshit crazy. Your governor and state legislators promote policies which are unconstitutional, and in direct opposition to the intent of the Bill of Rights. They are clearly racists, bigots, and misogynists. Although they claim to be Christians, they are the exact opposite, denying the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. TENNESSEE WILL ALLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOL TEACHERS TO BE ARMED WITH LETHAL WEAPONS On Thursday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, announced that he will signa a bill allowing teachers to have loaded weapons in the classroom. Sister Mary Elizabeth may no longer carry a ruler to smash your knuckles, if she chooses, she can have a gun, already loaded with bullets designed to kill human beings, and offer a serious threat if your child misbehaves. Okay, I’m just joking. However, I can offer you one fact which could put your child’s life in jeopardy if a shooter inv...