
Showing posts with the label Lifetime Criminal

Trump Loves Louisiana’s Unconstitutional Ten Commandments Law: It Reminds him of Better Times

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “Republicans” in Louisiana passed a law last week which will surely be voided by the Supreme Court for one reason, It clearly and literally violates the First Amendment. Placing a poster of the ten commandments in every classroom is not stupid, it is moronic. I was initially undecided. I wasn’t sure if Trump would be angry, because they would remind voters of his many crimes. Later I realized that the malignant narcissist would love it because they remind him of some of the best times of his life; before he agreed to run for the presidency. Read all ten and think of Trump as you do. You shall have no other Gods before me You shall not make for yourselves an idol You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy Honor your father and your mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal You shall not give false testimony You shall not covet LET’S BEGIN AT THE T

Trump’s Firsts, and Hopefully Lasts

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is the first man to “accomplish” several things in America’s nearly 248 years. Hopefully, no one will be the second person to constantly violate the Constitution and embarrass our nation. Trump was the first person in his party to seek the Republican Party’s presidential nomination without experience in any form of government and no verifiable proof that he ever worked in any profession for a single day in 77 years. He was also the first alleged draft dodger to believe he could gain the support of right-wing voters who generally favor war over peace. Trump was the first presidential candidate to win a major party’s nomination without taking a position on a single issue. Trump won by lying to voters, and hurling personal attacks against his rivals. He failed to receive the support of 90 percent of his party’s leaders. THE ILLEGITIMATE ELECTION OF 2016 Trump was losing in the polls prior to November 8, 2016. However, our government received verified informat

The United States of America: A Nation Without Laws?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I won’t offer you bullshit: I will only tell the truth which the cowardly main stream media refuses to do. Trump violated the Espionage act three times.   On January 20, 2021, Trump stole 14 boxes of classified documents as he was bei ng evicted from the White House. There is no dispute about this fact.   When the National Archives realized they were missing, and had been taken from the White House illegally , they demanded the return of all 14 boxes. Although America’s greatest traitor claimed that he returned them all, an inventory of the items r eceived, revealed that only a part of them had been returned. Espionage Act violation number one.   On August 8, 2020, the FBI executed a search warrant for the missing documents inside Trump’s current residence, his Mar-a-Lag o resort for millionaires and billionaires only.   Hidden in Trump’s bedroom, bathroom, storage areas accessible to both employees and guests, the FBI discovered multiple boxes of nationa

Trump Can be Addressed by Many Terms, but “Mr. President” is not One of Them

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump was never my president. He never deserved the title. An American president has multiple duties and responsibilities, none of which were performed by the orange buffoon. Trump refused to represent all Americans. As the leader of the white supremacy movement in America, he failed to recognize Black Americans as equals. He ignored low-income and poor Americans, choosing to serve the super-rich and members of Neo-Nazi organizations. He divided our nation’s people intentionally, and when our country needed a leader, he ignored the advancing coronavirus, and claimed “it will just go away.” Trump was the first man to lose his bid for reelection and refuse to   submit to a peaceful transfer of power. Instead, he lied about the results of the election and attempted to overturn the 2020 loss by planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup on January 6, 2021. The only “rigged” election in history was in 2016. Our government attempted to cove

The Real Victims in the Trump Saga

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s defense strategy has changed, slightly. He claims that all of his legal battles are founded in political strategy, created by his enemies. He is playing the role of a victim. I guess part of Trump’s decline in mental acuity is a severe loss of memory. He appears to forget that many of the crimes he is accused of began long before he made the mistake of seeking the presidency. Others, including his insurrection on January 6, and stolen classified documents are actions witnessed by every American. We are not falling for your bullshit, Donnie Boy. THE REAL VICTIMS A brief look at Trump’s history reveals a life of crime. From bribing public officials, and refusing to pay contractors, to allegations of physical, sexual assault, the orange buffoon left a long trail of victims. As your illegitimate president, he violated the basic human rights of thousands. According to medical experts, Trump’s failure to take timely action to prevent an oncoming

There Will be Only One Legitimate Candidate on the 2024 Ballot

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Here are the facts. On November 5, 2024 the American people will choose the man who will lead our nation for the next four years. This man must be an American citizen who will keep his oath to serve every American and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Tradition demands that he be qualified for the office he seeks, and possess a strong moral character. By law, he must be at least 35 years of age, and a natural born citizen who has been a resident of the United States for 14 consecutive years. ACCORDING TO THESE STANDARDS, ONLY ONE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE WILL BE ON THE BALLOT IN NOVEMBER Other than the last sentence I previously wrote, only President Biden is qualified to be our nation’s president. Trump is unfit for any office at any level. I’m going to forget the fact that the 14 th Amendment prevents Trump from running for office, and the Court ignored the Constitution. Let’s take a look at everything else which prev

What is Merrick Garland Doing?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump has violated the Constitution and civil laws more than any other man in history. He has no shame, morals, and no conscience. His violations of federal law include the two most egregious crimes against our nation: treason and sedition.   Why Hasn’t Merrick Garland Issued a Warrant for his Arrest?   Anyone who watched the insurrection on January 6, 2021, witnessed the darkest day in our nation’s history. Over three hours my wife and I watched “Trump’s People,” members of Neo-Nazi groups and their sympathizers commit acts of violence as they searched for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi with the intent of murdering them.   There was no other word which came to mind other than treason. To learn that a sitting president had planned, organized, and executed an attempted coup did not seem real, did not seem possible.   In 1955 the Rosenbergs were executed for the same crime committed by your former fake president.   It was no secret that Trump stole 14 boxes of