
Showing posts with the label Worst President in History

Not the “Fake News,” but Presidential Historians, Rank Trump the Worst President in History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart He attempted to overturn the government of the United States of America. He stole national secrets and lied about it. Every day he was in office, for four years, he violated the Constitution. He attempted to divide our nation’s people forever. He lied about everything, including his loyalty to America. His loyalty belongs to Vladimir Putin. These are just a few reasons why Presidential Historians rate Trump the worst president in America’s nearly 248-year history. ANOTHER “FIRST” FOR TRUMP Last Thursday, May 30, 2024, Trump became the first American President to be indicted, tried, and convicted of a felony, not on a single count, but 34, unanimously. He faces three additional criminal trials, all more serious than for paying “hush money” to an adult film star. Because the mainstream media refused to report the truth prior to the 2016 election, only political writers like me had the courage to expose what has become “the real Donald Trump.” I posted multiple art

By Election Day Trump Could be a Blithering Idiot

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Every day, with every speech, Trump is becoming less coherent. He continues to mumble and stumble while attempting to pronounce words we use every day. His “little brain” appears to be shrinking. By election day he could become a blithering idiot. WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE FOR A LIFELONG FAILURE It’s a fact that the worst president and history and the second worst share a common fact: both Trump and George W. Bush failed at everything they attempted in their lives. They also share the fact that without assistance from others, neither would have become our president. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore in 2000. Although we will never know for certain, without unconstitutional interference by the Supreme Court of the United States, Bush should have lost the Electoral College vote. During the 2000 campaign the RNC acted unscrupulously to block Senator John McCain from winning his party’s nomination. Like Trump, Bush was an illegitimate president. Trump al

If Time Travel was a Reality, Our Founding Fathers Would Describe a Trump Presidency as F**ked Up

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For 77 years Trump had one goal: to appear relevant. He has made a fool of himself for decades. He is the one person who proved that he is mentally deficient, and has no value as a human being. His sexual escapades and failed business ventures confirm his reputation as a despicable member of American society. I can only imagine what our Founding Fathers would think about the fact that one of our nation’s greatest embarrassments became our 45 th illegitimate president. Trump is known as “the orange buffoon.” This is accurate and proves that he is unfit for anything: and I mean “anything.” His life is a tale of failure, criminal activity, sexual deviance, and a need to feel relevant. He never possessed a single quality which would allow him to become the leader of a nation of 330 million people. A DAY WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY On the darkest day in America’s history, Trump attempted to overthrow the votes of the Electoral College. Our most cherished rig