This title is the title of a 1995 movie starring Michael Douglas and Annette Benning. I watched it again on New Years Day. I don’t know how many times I have enjoyed this film, but I can tell you that it is my second favorite movie of all time. The reason I love this movie so much is simple: I would like to see a president like the fictional Andrew Shepherd in my lifetime. The only man close to the character was John F. Kennedy. However, I was a senior in high school when he was murdered, and never had a chance to vote for him. I was 22 in 1968 and planned to vote for Bobby Kennedy before he too was taken from us far too soon. I have experienced 13 presidents in my lifetime. The first was Dwight Eisenhower in 1956 when I was ten years old. I turned on our black and white television one afternoon, and Eisenhower’s second convention was on all three stations. I was hooked, not yet realizing that I would become an obsessed politico. In between Eisenhower and President Biden, only on...