Republicans Don’t Play Fair Because They Are Playing a Different Game

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you haven’t noticed; I have. If you ask any man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” a direct question, you will never get a direct answer. They will always redirect the question and offer their own opinion, their own agenda, literally refusing to answer a question they don’t want to answer. Some people might say, “they’re talking out of their asses.” But not me! If you know this current American Fascist Party as I do, you know that they live in an alternate world, and are playing a different game of political chess or maybe more accurately, political checkers. They exist on lies and misdirection. Their greatest enemy is the truth. RIGHT WING MEDIA HAS BRAINWASHED MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WHO CHOOSE TO BE IGNORANT There is only one qualification for employment at FOX News or to run for office under the banner of the Republican Party: you must be willing to constantly lie in support of right-wing extremist policies and your Fuhrer. They claim to worship T...