There are More Than Eight Billion, 45 Million Unique Stories in the World

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Not a single person in the entire world shares the exact same story with another. Humans are given free thought and free will, and no one shares another person’s mind completely. Therefore, if we listen really hard, we will find more than eight billion, 45 million unique stories around the world. In my experience, most people have one huge fault, they are quick to judge others without knowing them. No one can truly know someone else if that person refuses to expose their innermost selves to another. Some of the most judgmental people I know call themselves “Christians.” Therefore, they must not have the right to call themselves Christians. In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus Christ instructed his followers: “Judge not lest ye be judged,” and “Only God, the Father can judge men.” I learned more about this lesson after the passing of my father-in-law. I knew he was a good man who I respected and liked very much. However, at his celebration of life the c...