Seniors Continue to “Get the Shaft”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am not eligible for “” I am being penalized for being 77 years old. I am forced to spend between five and ten times what someone half my age pays for medical services because the only services available to me are from Medicare. Medicare is the most expensive healthcare plan in the universe of developed nations. It is limited and more costly than the plan known as “Obamacare,” and far more expensive than any plan in every other nation in the world. My wife and I face an extremely difficult situation. When we were first eligible for Medicare, we couldn’t afford part “B.” If we want additional care today, we must pay a penalty, although we paid for Medicare for more than 40 years of our lives. Obamacare allows anyone to apply for benefits we could not receive without punishment. What the f**k is this all about? My bride will be 73 in December, and I am 77. It appears to both of us that our government prefers that we die rather than have life-...