100 Percent of the Attendees at the Convention Share One Thing, and 90 Percent Share Something More Interesting

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Every attendee at the former Republican Party’s convention in Milwaukee shares one fact. They are all Neo-Nazis, supportive of a fascist regime to replace democracy, while declaring their fealty to Trump. I was confused at times. The effusive and embarrassing praise for the convicted felon was so repetitive, I wasn’t sure if this was taking place in America, 1930’s Germany, North Korea, or Moscow. The similarity was uncanny. They are a united party, at least in public. HYPOCRITES ONE AND ALL At least 90 percent of the men and women at the convention were previously vehement critics of the worst illegitimate president in history. A large number of this 90 percent were members of the “anyone but Trump club” in 2016. All of them called him “dangerous,” “immoral,” “unhinged,” “unfit,” and numerous other negative adjectives. However out of this 90 percent, 100 percent became hypocrites. They scream and yell for Trump while inside they are calling him names and likely...