
Showing posts with the label Elon Musk

Musk is Good at Three Things; Blowing up His Rockets, Blowing Up his Cyber Truck, and Blowing up our Government

Co-presidents Musk and Trump aren’t good at much. Trump’s entire life is a history of failure. Musk’s Tesla vehicles caught fire, his SpaceX’s Starship spacecraft has blown up twice, one of his Cyber Truck’s exploded in Vegas, and he is now destroying every part of our government which was actually working. All three branches of our government are corrupt, biased, and support the right-wing fascist manifesto, Project 2025. They are good for nothing. The people who actually worked in Washington and accomplished things based on our most important issues, are now looking for new jobs. Trump’s life has been a disaster. When he took office in 2017, one of the first things he did was to seal his educational records. We know that daddy Fred bought deferments which prevented him from being drafted into the military during the illegal war in South Vietnam. It is very clear that he also paid for his diplomas from military boarding school, and Wharton Business College. Trump is the worst public s...

Has Elon Musk Always Been a Nazi?

  Co-president, Elon Musk, finished a speech at another Trump hate rally on Monday with the words, “thank you for making it happen.” Then he did something which might have surprised some, but not yours truly. He gave the crowd the infamous Nazi salute. Musk placed his right hand over his heart and snapped his arm forward at a 45-degree angle. Of course the buffoon denied any intent to pay homage to Hitler, Putin, Trump or their fascist beliefs. In response, the SpaceX and Tesla chief posted on X: "Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The 'everyone is Hitler' attack is sooo tired." However, he repeated the gesture, confirming that he was fully aware of what it signified. "My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured," the 53-year-old said, after giving the second one-armed salute. Okay, let’s discuss a few of the issues which confirm your new president is a Nazi. Trump has surrounded himself with many of our nati...

Beelzebub’s Right Hand Man Calling Musk “Evil”

When I write articles for my blog, I realize that I have often been naïve. I truly believed that most of the people who read my rants are somewhat informed American citizens. Now I know that I must “speak down” to some of the individuals who choose to read the truth. Steve Bannon. A brief history of this anti-American begins with the 2016 campaign of Donald Trump. In August of 2016, after another woefully unqualified right-wing extremist, Ted Cruz, ended his bid to win the Republican presidential nomination, tech billionaire, Robert Mercer, moved his money, Kellyanne Conway, and Steve Bannon to Trump’s campaign. Bannon would be Trump’s new campaign manager. After his illegitimate win in the Electoral College, Bannon moved into the White House as the chief strategy adviser. It wasn’t long until a tumultuous relationship began between the two arrogant and egotistical men and Bannon was fired in August of 2017. In 2022 Bannon was charged and convicted for defying congress. He had been ord...

I May be Wrong: I’m Beginning to Think That Elon Musk is THE President, Making all the Decisions

I admit to being obsessed. I attempt to follow everything which happens or doesn’t happen in Washington. You may not have noticed, but Elon Musk frequently voices his opinions on multiple issues, and Trump eventually claims that he made the same decision. First, I call bullshit, and second it appears that Musk is the real president and making all of the important decisions. I’m pretty sure Musk doesn’t waste his time chasing a little white ball across the grass and in the sand. Between 2017 and 2021 it was very clear that Vladimir Putin was in charge. Is Musk his protégé? It is more than obvious that Trump’s dementia is advancing, and senility has been an issue for several years. He is too old to be the president of the PTA, nevertheless the leader of more than 340 million people. However, Musk was not on the ballot. What does this mean for America’s future. If our government and the mainstream media were honest, it means that America’s future is in the control of someone who is not an...

Was Elon Musk on Your Ballot?

Did I miss something? Did your ballot include the name of the wealthiest and one of the biggest morons in America? Was he a man with no experience in anything other than engineering who lost millions of dollars ruining twitter? Was that name Elon Musk? It is clear that we have one very old white man and one middle-aged white man in control of our nation’s future. Neither is qualified to hold public office at any level. Recently it was believed that the House would vote in favor of the Senate’s stop-gap plan to prevent a government shutdown. However, when Musk told the idiots on the right side of the aisle to vote against it, they obeyed. Later in the day Trump agreed with the fool from South Africa. Who’s running this country. I can tell you that it doesn’t appear to be the aging orange buffoon. I know that’s a good thing; or is it? I think America is f**ked. On Friday, just hours before a government shutdown was inevitable, Republicans in the House agreed to a temporary solution. In M...

Elon Musk is Buying Votes for Trump and the DOJ is Doing Nothing

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Elon Musk is in violation of federal law and our government is doing nothing. The deranged maker of dangerous vehicles is paying individuals to sign an oath that they will vote for Donald Trump. [Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 721; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §   330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI] U.S. Code 597 Once again, we learn that justice is non-existent in America. The rich and powerful do as they please and the DOJ turns its back, ignoring crimes against our nation. Our government placed Trump above the law in 2018. His violations of the Constitution are too numerous to list here. Included in his crimes...

“Republicans” are Bat-Shit Crazy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It began in 1981, and the change was completed on January 20, 2017. Not only the worst, illegitimate president in history was inaugurated on that day, the implosion of the once Grand Old Party was complete. The men and women who once called themselves “Republicans” became members of Trump’s MAGA Party, more accurately the “American Fascist Party.” The entire party bowed to Trump’s anti-American demands, and spent most of their time attempting to cover-up his crimes and Constitutional violations. Today Trump is attempting to return to the White House, not because he wants to serve the American people, but to save his humongous derriere from being in prison for the remainder of his life. His primary ambition is to pardon himself for multiple felony indictments, and possibly for treason and violations of the Espionage Act. His second goal is to put into action every plan in Project 2025. After Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee in July, Trump b...

Reasons to Despise Elon Musk

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I have always despised Elon Musk. He should stick to engineering because he sucks at everything else, including effort s to become a respected human being. He is one of America’ s 813 billionaires, which immediately makes him the e nemy of most Americans; the working class.   I define th is aging fool as an “arrogant prig.” He has no value. If he was not a very rich man, he would h ave no purpose i n American society.   A TRUMP WANNABE   Musk is desperate to be relevant like his fake  friend, Donald Trump. When he purch ased the company former known as “twitter,” he abandoned Tesla and S pa ceX, while ruining a formerly successful branch of social media into a near failure .   Today he rein stated all privileges formerly  r emoved from Trump on “X” and donated money to a group who supports the worst man in the world. Someone tell me again why I shouldn’t hate the super-rich?   AMERICA IS IN A WAR BETWEEN TH...

Another Russian Asset in our Midst

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   (I know I promised to write more positive stories, and I will, but you need to know “the real Elon Musk.) Like his idol, Donald Trump, Elon Musk made a mistake. When he bought Twitter, he exposed his real self to the world. He may be a talented mechanical engineer, but as a man he is a fool who lacks common sense. In the news today is a story which proves an assumption I made months ago. Like Trump, he is undoubtedly a Russian agent. Included in part of a biography of Musk, CNN is reporting a plan by Ukraine to execute a drone attack on the Russian navy based in Crimea. When the traitor to democracy learned this information, Musk ordered his engineers to shut down his “Starlink” satellite network over Crimea. Musk eventually released a response, and, like Trump, claims he did nothing wrong. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things,...