Okay, I’ll Say it: “Your Next President Will be a Very Old White Man with a Fat Ass Who is Putin’s Puppet”
The media won’t say it. Democrats are cowards and won’t say it. Trump is not a man, he is a puppet: specifically Putin’s puppet, and has been since 1987. In 1987 the KGB invited Donald Trump and his wife, Ivana, to visit Moscow. They accepted, and spent several days in the Russian capital. In the late 1980’s Putin was a high-ranking officer in the spy organization. The next record we have is in 2013. Trump was a part-owner of the Miss Universe Pageant. He took the pageant to Moscow. A former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, investigated the three days and wrote a dossier describing Trump’s actions. He claims that Trump and Putin met at least once to plan the 2016 election. He also wrote about Trump’s encounter with two prostitutes which involved urination. We know that while he was pretending to be your president, he communicated with Putin frequently. Some of those conversations may have been through a secret channel created in the Seychelles Islands by Erik Prince, the bother of forme...