
Showing posts with the label Rigged election

Not the Greatest nor the Most Important

    Politicians all lie, and the most ridiculous of all is the claim that America is the “greatest country in the world.” America is not even close. In a study of 15 developed nations, the United States is rated poorly in most categories. In the most important category, ‘quality of life,’ our nation was rated 15 th . It is obvious that politicians and the super-rich believe that the U.S. is the most ‘important country in the world.’ Arrogance is a trait which defines all politicians and all of our nation’s 756 oligarchs/billionaires. The facts prove that between 2017 and 2021 America lost its status in the world. Trump has made a laughingstock out of a once respected and admired nation. However, Trump and ‘his people’ don’t care. They think they are more important than anyone else on the planet. As I predicted, long before the 2024 campaign season began, Trump is now a dictator with no resemblance to any legitimate president other than himself. In collusion with Elon Mus...

Trump is an Idiot, and Idiots Choose Other Idiots to Hang With

I do not work for the mainstream media, and therefore I am not required to hide the truth or bow to our corrupt and incompetent government. I can ask the questions and report the truth they cannot or will not. So, here goes. Not one of Trump’s selections for his administration is qualified for anything, definitely not leading some of our nation’s most critical and necessary organizations. However, of all the morons on his naughty or nice list, the greatest fool of them all is now apparently living at Mar-a-Lago. Elon Musk if a billionaire, in fact he is statistically the richest man in the world. Most of the world’s leader believe that Putin is the richest man in the world. However, great wealth has no relationship to great intellect, or even common sense. Like Trump, Musk knows nothing about anything. He is undoubtedly a great engineer, but that’s where his expertise begins and ends. He has no place, no right to be involved in our nation’s government. He has no experience, no associat...

Question After Question and Our Corrupt Government Refuses to Provide Answers

After looking for answers to my questions for more than a month, I hereby claim that there are a sufficient number of questions unanswered to convince me that the 2024 election was rigged in favor of Trump and the “attempted assassination” was staged. First, a question no one in the mainstream media, or the Secret Service has answered: “where’s the bullet?” The scenario was sketchy at best. A young gunman, who had trained himself to use a high velocity rifle, moved into a position which allowed him to attempt the assassination of Donald Trump. This never should have happened. Members attending the rally pointed to the gunman long before he took his first shot. One of his supporters was shot and died at the scene, and two were seriously injured. However, the biggest target, and the most clearly visible, was not seriously injured. In fact, the bullet barely nicked his right ear. In fact, the alleged injury was so minor, it was incapable of altering the trajectory of the lethal projectile...

What the Hell Really Happened on November 5th?

After what I believe was a very controversial election, polls reveal that the majority of voters support a progressive agenda, not the regressive policies of the fascist Trump party. I ask all of you: if you follow American politics regularly, not with my obsession, does it make sense after watching the results of the 2016, 2020, and 2024 election that Trump could have won all seven swing states and the popular vote on November 5 th ? Common sense tells me that Trump’s failures over the last nine years would have lost him votes, not increased his reported numbers. Add to this the fact that he will soon be an octogenarian, and one and one does not make two. Fact: exit polls revealed a severe dislike for the orange buffoon, and the number of questions have grown about the legitimacy of the 2024 election. If we include Putin’s efforts combined with those of Elon Musk, and the possibility of the best hackers in the world becoming part of the equation, the American people deserve answers. E...

Simple Facts and a Comparison Between 2020 and 2024 Demand Answers

I continue to find it difficult to believe that Trump’s victory was legitimate. Several of the results and the reasons Trump was crushed in 2020 require answers to big questions. Add to this Trump’s relationship with Elon Musk, whose wealth offers him the ability hack into voting machines and other electronics and the big question becomes: “Was the 2024 election rigged for Trump as was the 2016 debacle?” Between Putin’s efforts and Musk’s wealth, it would have been easy for the best hackers in the world to rig the election. Let’s begin with some results in 2020 and the reported results in 2024. The Popular vote. In 2020 there was an historic voter turnout. When the final votes were counted, Trump lost the popular vote by more than seven million ballots. The official results in 2024 pointed to a Trump victory in the Popular vote. How could millions of voters have changed their minds about Trump during the last four years, considering his criminal convictions, treason on January 6, and h...

Blowhards and Liars

Since the recent election I listened to numerous “experts” blame Democrats for their huge losses. I am not a huge fan of either party. However, this is some of the most moronic bullshit I have ever heard. If voters did their job and vetted the candidates honestly instead of listening to the lies on the boob tube, they would learn that Democrats have accomplished many things for the majority. Republicans bow to billionaires. If voters were informed instead of brainwashed, they would realize that the mainstream media hides the truth about the political parties. Millionaires support Trump, and the media is therefore biased in his favor. I continue to have suspicions that this election, like the 2016 debacle, was rigged by Vladimir Putin Op-ed by James Turnage  

Did Putin Rig the Election, Again?

  Thousands of individuals in my part of Northern Nevada checked to see if their votes were counted at the registrar’s office. Many of them were not. Did this happen in other “swing states?” What about the bogus bomb threats? How long were the voting machines unattended? I am not a conspiracy theorist, but something is definitely suspicious about the outcome of the November 5 th election. The final poll showed Kamala Harris ahead nationally by three points. That is a very large number on voting day. Ms. Harris had momentum. Her rallies were twice as large as Trump’s in every swing state. The only Republican president to win the popular vote prior to last Tuesday since 1992 was “W” in 2004. He barely defeated John Kerry in his re-election effort. Trump lost the popular vote by more than three million in 2016, and eight million in 2020. Is our government hiding something from us, again? Common sense tells me that there is no way Trump legitimately won all seven swing states. The odd...

Are You Willing to Accept a President Who Worships our Nation’s and the World’s Greatest Enemy?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart An article in Politico revealed that one of Trump’s biggest lies in 2016 when asked about his relationship with Vladimir Putin, claiming: “I never met the man.” The truth is that Trump and first wife, Ivana, were invited to Moscow in 1987 by the KGB. During that period, Vladimir Putin was a powerful leader in the spy organization. The two men have been in contact continuously since that meeting, 37 years ago. He called Putin frequently while pretending to be your president. Long after Trump was evicted from the White House, a Senate committee confirmed that there was collusion between Trump and Putin during the 2016 election. 2024 is the third election involving Donald Trump, and the third election in which Putin is attempting to interfere in its results. Putin’s actions in Ukraine, his murders of other Russians who oppose him, and his declaration of war with attempts to ensure a victory for his greatest asset, Donald Trump, prove that he is our nation’s biggest...

Over the Last Nine Years the Media Recreated Trump Into a “Political Savant”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When a Trump supporter is interviewed, and asked why they support the orange buffoon, the answers always include praise as a great politician, and a mention of why he is right to attack his adversaries. These answers exhibit ignorance. They are obviously unaware of the “Real Donald Trump.” The main reason for this sad fact lies directly on the empty pages of today’s mainstream media. They continue to cover Trump’s political events more than all other candidates combined. They also portray him as a “savvy and astute politician,” which is a blatant lie. The fake journalists on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and other fake news networks are millionaires. Sensationalism increases viewership, and the larger the audience, the greater the advertising revenue. For the “on-screen talent” this means bonuses and salary increases. If they had the courage to do the right thing and expose Trump for all that he is not, President Biden would be ahead by no less than 30 points in the polls...

What If: How Vladimir Putin’s Agent Attempted to Destroy America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart November 8, 2016 should have been a day of celebration for every American. As the polls closed, Hillary Clinton was winning the popular vote. America would have not only its first woman president, it would have chosen the most qualified candidate in history to lead our nation for the next four years. Of course this did not happen. When the votes were counted in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan a total of less than 80,000 total votes allowed these three states to decide who would be our president. The Electoral College negated the will of the people as it did in 2000.. How did this happen? I and others were confused for weeks. However, although our government denies the facts today, a story was released and then quickly redacted about a meeting held in the Oval Office in October of 2016. The subject of the meeting was to inform our nation’s leaders about the results of an investigation by all 17 agencies of America’s intelligence community completed on Octob...

Alito, Trump, an Upside-Down Flag, and the End of the Supreme Court of the United States

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I believe that few Americans understand the devastation caused by Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell when they violated their ethics, if they ever had any, and stacked the Supreme Court with extremists. Our country was damaged when Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were confirmed in 1991 and 2005. However, the Court remained balanced, and the highest Court in the land continued to function. However, Moscow Mitch’s hypocritical support for Donald Trump was part of a plan to accomplish a lifetime goal. Trump is a fool. He is easily manipulated by those who understand his mental weakness. This malignant narcissist is desperate for undeserved praise and relevance. TRUMP HAD NO INPUT REGARDING THE NOMINEES HE SUPPORTED FOR THE COURT It was not Trump who nominated three totally unqualified Supreme Court candidates. He knows nothing about anything in our government. Moscow Mitch took advantage of his disease and gave him the names: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy C...

Nevada Caucus was Rigged for Trump as Was the 2016 Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   One of the headlines today was “Trump wins Nevada caucus.” The truth is, it was never in doubt. Our state’s MAGA Republican Governor, Joe Lombardo rigged the system to guarantee a Trump victory, with all 26 delegates representing Trump at the Republican National Convention in July. This is similar to Putin’s successful effort to secure a victory in the Electoral College in 2016.   So how did he accomplish this fascist effort? The simple answer is the same as all Republican actions designed to win elections: waste money.   On Tuesday, February 6, our state held the Republican primary. The Republican caucus was planned for February 8. Here’s how Lombardo guaranteed a win for the worst man in the world.   Names on the primary were not allowed to be on the caucus. Nikki Haley, who lost to “none of these candidates” by 30 points, was on the primary ballot, Trump’s was not. The caucus superseded the results of the primary. The career crim...