Knowing He Would Be Outwitted, Trump Will Not Attend Wednesday Night’s Debate

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It should not surprise anyone that Trump is refusing to attend Wednesday evening’s primary debate on Fox. With a low level of intelligence his greatest concern is the probability that he would once again make a complete fool of himself. According to the polls, which I do not believe, there is no reason to have a debate if Trump is leading all challengers by 30-40 points. Think about this carefully. On November 5, 2024, the man representing the former Republican Party will be facing numerous felonies, and possibly be running for the presidency from a prison cell. Only in today’s America, which is not comparable to the nation of my early years. We are the world’s biggest joke and it’s not funny. Trump is a traitor who committed the most grievous crime against our nation on January 6, 2021. He is also guilty of committing the same crimes as the Rosenbergs in the 1950s and should be executed in the same manner. If Trump has any chance of winning...