Why Everyone, and I Mean Everyone, Should Fear a Second Trump Presidency
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We know fascism is inevitable if Trump regains the presidency, but what would that mean, and how would he achieve Putin’s goals? Here’s what Washington insiders have learned. Trump’s daughter-in-law slashed the staff at the RNC, removing anyone not 100 percent loyal to the orange buffoon. Trump plans to do the same within the entire federal government. He has plans to remake federal law enforcement into his personal gestapo and enact revenge against his many, many enemies. Plans are being made to shred the Constitution and give massive power to the executiv e branch, making the legislative and judicial branches puppets for Trump and his cronies. He would end free and fair elections, establishing an autocratic government. He would become Fuhrer Donald Tr ump, aka “Big Adolf.” Secretive supporters re memb er the chaos which was the Trump administration between 2017 and 2021. They are completing plans to tak e c...