Trump Keeps Crawling Deeper Into the Swamp

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Anyone who has listened to 10 minutes of Trump’s vile hate speech at one of his infamous “rallies,” learns two things immediately: he is illiterate, and the subject matter is repetitious, boring, and without substance. His constant attacks against real Americans prove that he is a jealous, insecure, and hate-filled person without average intelligence. It is obvious that many of his attacks are directed at himself. When he claimed that the 2016 election was “rigged,” he was telling the truth, but it was rigged for him. When he refers to our President as “Sleepy Joe,” it was Trump who fell asleep constantly during his very serious “hush money” trial. When he ordered his cult to chant, “lock her up,” he was referring to his life of crime and debauchery, not Hillary’s.. A FEEBLE, OLD, OBESE MAN Trump’s most avid supporters are exactly what Hillary Clinton referred to as “a basket of deplorables.” Comments made on “Truth Social,” and other extremist for...