
Showing posts with the label Half-truths

Ignore the Lying Press, What Are the Problems Facing America Today?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Fact: the mainstream media, in collusion with your corrupt government, fails to report many stories which would reveal the truth about America in the 21 st century. This proves that our nation is moving closer to fascism than many would like you to believe. Here are some headlines from Google this morning which reveal the real problems facing America today. [Gunman kills three, himself in racially motivated shooting, Jacksonville sheriff says] [Trump raised $7.1 million after Georgia booking, mugshot] ['Walking with our ancestors': Thousands fighting for civil rights attend March on Washington] [DeSantis super PAC pumps more than $12 million into major ad buy] Although I believe the number one issue remains healthcare, followed closely by affordable or free education, there are others not discussed by the mainstream media, although they affect every man, woman, and child in America. The tragic murders in Jacksonville this weekend r

If You Feel a Loss of Mental Acuity, You Must be Watching Television News

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I was much younger, I was an admirer of Edward R. Murrow, John Chancellor, Walter Cronkite, and other men who were respected and honest reporters. These men were legitimate journalists who offered the facts without inuendo, without personal opinion, or any intent related to financial gain. Today’s pretend journalists are paid millions of dollars and are required to report what television executives instruct them to tell their viewers. Like Fox News, all network broadcasts are more concerned about advertising revenue than the truth. I followed the 2016 campaign with a combination of fascination and fear. After the most disgusting and embarrassing primary season in history, our country was left with two options. Hillary Clinton was undeniably the most qualified presidential candidate in history. She remains a lifelong public servant who will be remembered by historians as a woman who worked to improve the lives of all Americans. Her opponent, Do