Trump Arrives Late and Loses his Mind
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On Saturday, Trump spoke before one of his favorite groups, the gun lobby, calling itself the NRA. He doesn’t give a damn about gun rights or gun control, but he loves their deep pockets. According to reporters, he arrived more than two hours late: maybe they couldn’t get him up from a drug induced nap. While beginning a meaningless comment about the state of Texas, Trump seemed to forget where he was. In a rare situation for the mouthy old man, he was silent for about 30 seconds. Which makes me ask the question: who is older: Biden or Trump? PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY TRUMP IS FAR OLDER THAN PRESIDENT BIDEN To even the most casual observer, Trump’s physical and mental abilities are rapidly in decline. His body is so fragile, he is forced to drive his golf cart onto the greens while chasing a little, white ball. This is strictly forbidd en at every golf course in the world. His rambling speech, inability to use t...