
Showing posts with the label World Central Kitchen

Two Very Different Stories, Both Involving Workers in the World of Food

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I wanted to inform you about both of these stories. Although they are literally worlds apart, and one involves worker’s needs and rights, and the other a tragedy involving humanitarian efforts in Gaza, both will make you think about our world in the 21 ST ce ntur y.   Netanyahu’s Autocratic Israel   If you have read me over the years, you know that I believe Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu , is at the core of the discord in the Middle East.   For years he has refused to meet with Palestinian leadership in good faith. By his own actions he has refused to discuss a solution which would create a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.   Most men and women who are experts related to the history of the Middle East, believe that the only road to peace is a “two state solution.” However, Netanyahu rejects any possibility of the situation ever happening.   One Unforgivable Attack Results in Another   ...