
Showing posts with the label Christianity

Trump is Proof that America has Never Been a Great Nation, and Never Will Be

The rich don’t need help. White, middle-class people don’t need help. Men and women in positions of power don’t need help. The vast majority: the working class, families living in the low-income bracket, the poor, the homeless, the disenfranchised, all need help. Someone please tell Trump and Musk that these statements are facts. Also inform them that first and foremost it is the responsibility of the president, congress and the Supreme Court to serve the majority. Their first priority should be improving the quality of life for all Americans. Over the last 24 days these two old white men intentionally destroyed much of the progress made for all Americans over the last 60-70 years. This is a lifetime pattern for Donald John Trump. This is why he never has and never will accomplish anything which produces positive results. Between 2017 and 2021 Trump did nothing but increase the division between our country’s people, give tax breaks to those who do not need or deserve them, and support ...

Trump Loves Louisiana’s Unconstitutional Ten Commandments Law: It Reminds him of Better Times

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “Republicans” in Louisiana passed a law last week which will surely be voided by the Supreme Court for one reason, It clearly and literally violates the First Amendment. Placing a poster of the ten commandments in every classroom is not stupid, it is moronic. I was initially undecided. I wasn’t sure if Trump would be angry, because they would remind voters of his many crimes. Later I realized that the malignant narcissist would love it because they remind him of some of the best times of his life; before he agreed to run for the presidency. Read all ten and think of Trump as you do. You shall have no other Gods before me You shall not make for yourselves an idol You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy Honor your father and your mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal You shall not give false testimony You shall not covet LET’S BEGIN AT T...

Would You Live in Iran or Saudi Arabia?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is only one form of government worse than Fascism and the oppression of an autocratic leader: a Theocratic Dictatorship. Time Magazine placed Trump on its cover, not hoping he would pay for a porn star to spank him with it, but to allow “Big Adolf” to announce his agenda, assuming that American voters will have lost their minds, and he wins in November. (You can read the horrific revelation in the attached article written for the Daily Kos by Frank Vyan Walton). Trump has the support of Evangelical leaders, who are known as The Christian Religious Right. Recently Trump joined them in their complaint that Christianity is in decline in America. As you may know, I am one of nearly 100 million Americans who reject all organized religion. Therefore, I am fully aware that Christianity has become the least chosen religion by younger Americans; and there are many reasons for this fact, including hypocrisy and its lack of support for women’s rights. I...

The Confusion About Religion in America is not Confusing

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Long before the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the new land, soon to become the United States of America, was a country based on confusion about religious affiliation and divided about its future. Eventually, our nation’s leaders decided that the term “religious freedom” would protect the right for all of its citizens to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. This was confirmed and protected in the first sentence of the First Amendment. Using Religion as a Weapon However, desperation within the right-wing of our political system has resulted in another form of extremism: religious bigotry. The Christian Religious Right controls the votes of all men and women who call themselves “Republicans.” As the right-wing’s base continues to diminish, they find it necessary to pander to anyone who will support their unpopular agenda. Real Christians Believe in the Teachings of Jesus Christ Let me offer you a bit of honesty. Evangelical lea...

If You are One of the 68 Percent of all Evangelicals Who Support Trump, You are not a Christian

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Only men and women who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament can call themselves “Christians.” Donald Trump has never set foot in the church he claims to support, according to the church’s pastor. Trump is a confirmed and convicted sexual predator, a lifetime criminal, tells lies constantly, and judges everyone crudely while refusing to admit his many mistakes. Anyone who supports this bitter, angry, obese, old white man who spreads anger, hatred, and intitiates violence cannot claim to follow the instructions of the Christ. The majority of Evangelicals are hypocrites. Let me state a personal opinion. Religious interference in America’s government is the greatest danger to our nation’s future. Religious extremism has been the force behind wars and the deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children for centuries. There is no justification for allowing religions to become a factor in how America is governed. We are n...

“None of the Above:” Fastest Growing “Religion in America”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   99,000,000: this is the approximate number of Americans who reject organized religion today in America. This is the fastest growing number related to studies related to religion in America. This may explain why you and I are seeing an increasing number of ads by Evangelical and other Christian organizations. The steepest decline in organized religion is among those who claim to be Christians. For me, this is no surprise. Just a few years ago, the number of non-religious Americas was about 65 million, and prior to the 2020 election, it had grown to 75 million. I know you’re asking, “why this fact exists.” There are many reasons, as you might expect. However let’s look at the age groups composing these statistics. I doubt that it will surprise you that our youngest men and women, below the age of 21, are the largest group questioning the validity of organized religion. The group with the largest percentage of men and women who practice one faith are seniors....