Trump’s Hidden Reason for Seeking the Presidency in 2024

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is obvious that Trump has two reasons for seeking the presidency in 2024. He wants to avoid dying in prison, and he is following orders coming directly from Vladimir Putin. He has been commanded to complete his instructions from 2017-2021. As with everything else in his life, he failed miserably. However, there is a third reason carefully hidden from the people of the United States, patriots who will never support his fascist ambitions. If he becomes the Commander-in-Chief again, he could order our military to destroy anyone who would rebel against his plan to end democracy once and for all, and establish a fascist regime with him as America’s Fuhrer. THE RED HATS Real Americans are fully aware that Trump’s red hats, spreading the philosophy of “Make America Great Again,” actually mean “Make America White Again.” This is no secret, it is reality. In 2018, by his own words, Trump confirmed the fact that he is the leader of the white supremacy m...