No One, not Democrats or Republicans, Have any Faith or Trust in Washington Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Several members of my family who have supported a more conservative agenda throughout their lifetime, no longer trust either political party in Washington. Although I remain an Independent, I find it impossible to support any man or woman in Washington who claims to be a Republican. The Party of Lincoln met its final demise in January of 2017. The truth is that I no longer have faith in any politician in Washington. The very fact that both political parties allowed a man who hates America to become our 45 th president is unforgivable. This was final proof that politicians protect each other, the people must fend for themselves. Crime in every form exists on Capitol Hill. Corruption is rampant and we continue to experience a dysfunctional government. Let me give you a small example which is actually a “big deal.” When a Fisher Price product began killing dozens of babies, it went unreported by our government. They were aware of the danger. However, a stipu...