Is Trump Unwittingly Reuniting our Nation and Too Stupid to Realize the Truth?

Face it America, Trump and his party are the enemy. Trump is a destroyer, the opposite of a creator. This is why he failed to record a single accomplishment between 2017-2021, and will fail again between 2025 and 2029: if he lives that long, God forbid. Everything which improved the lives of the majority of our nation’s people has been removed over the last two weeks. Trump is showing his real self: he is a Nazi who supports our current plutocratic rule. He is NOT an American president. Calling Trump’s first two weeks pretending to be an American president have been labeled a disaster. This is true. However, it deserves adjectives added to disaster, including “abysmal,” “ultimate,” “horrific,” and many more. He told us that he would be taking revenge on his enemies, but not to this level. Most of every waking hour, and his executive orders are spent on personal attacks on his many, many detractors. None of this is focused on advancing the quality of life for our nation’s p...