
Showing posts with the label Ignorance

The Dumbing Down of America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The “boob tube,” wireless phones, social media, a failing education system, parents demandi ng too little from their children: thes e are all reason s why America has fallen behind the rest of developed nations in education , and why we have morons like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Tommy Tuber ville, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and others running our nation in Washington. This is why it is possible that the worst president in American history could return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and defile our nation’s White House as he plans to destroy democracy once and for all and shred nine out of ten Amendments in the Bill of Rights: (of course he will protect the most poorly written Amendment; the Second Amendment).   Newspapers and magazines are failing every day. Reading has become less important as the number of Americans believe they “learn everything they need to know on television .”   I Read, Maybe a Little Too Much, but I Learn   Americ

When Trump Loses on November 5th Many Claim that They Will not Accept the Results

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s supporters who claim to believe his big lie about the 2020 election are in one of two categories: they live in a fantasy world with their Fuhrer, or are just plain stupid. Not a single case in more than 60 states or the Supreme Court of the United States, supported one allegation claimed by Trump’s incompetent attorneys. He was soundly defeated in both the Electoral College and popular vote: the latter by about eight-million votes. TRUMP HAS PROVEN THAT HE HAS LESS THAN AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE MANY TIMES To believe Trump about anything is ignorance by choice. However, Trump’s response to the Charlotteville tragedy, claiming “there were good people on both sides,” and the fact that he planned the January 6 failed coup with the assistance of leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi groups, prove that he is the leader of the fascist movement in America. To deny the truth about the election is to ignore facts and reality. If you are that stupid, you should not

There’s Batshit Crazy, and then There’s F**king Insanity

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you live in a red state, it is an undeniable fact that your state government is batshit crazy. Your governor and state legislators promote policies which are unconstitutional, and in direct opposition to the intent of the Bill of Rights. They are clearly racists, bigots, and misogynists. Although they claim to be Christians, they are the exact opposite, denying the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. TENNESSEE WILL ALLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOL TEACHERS TO BE ARMED WITH LETHAL WEAPONS On Thursday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, announced that he will signa a bill allowing teachers to have loaded weapons in the classroom. Sister Mary Elizabeth may no longer carry a ruler to smash your knuckles, if she chooses, she can have a gun, already loaded with bullets designed to kill human beings, and offer a serious threat if your child misbehaves. Okay, I’m just joking. However, I can offer you one fact which could put your child’s life in jeopardy if a shooter inv

Another Plan to Make America Even Dumber

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Here are some of the facts we know about Trump: he is a traitor, a career criminal, a sexual predator, the leader of America’s Neo-Nazi movement, a pathological liar, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a malignant narcissist, and if you count the number of lives he could have saved if he had not chosen to ignore the coronavirus, a murderer. Now for something nice about the man who worships Adolf Hiter. I tried, but I have studied his entire life, and I cannot find one positive or uplifting thing he has accomplished in nearly 78 years. Renaming an Airport? This is as Ridiculous as the Plan to Put His Orange Face on Mount Rushmore Members of Trump’s American Fascist Party in the House of Representatives voted to rename Washington D.C.’s Dulles International Airport after the worst, illegitimate president in American history. I can’t make this shit up. I would find this funny if there was anything humorous about right-wing politicians. Everyone on the right side of the aisl

If you Choose to Watch Television News, You Enjoy Being Lied to and have been Brainwashed

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart                                                          Exclusive A large number of Americans have been conned by today’s fake Republican Party, FOX News, and the Mainstream Media. This phenomenon began with the advent of television advertising in the 1950’s. This was the beginning of the brainwashing of the American people. All advertising, political ads, and testimonials by famous people are founded in lies. If you believe them, you will waste your money, your vote, and your integrity. I am both proud and sad to be an old fart. Proud because I have experienced things no one ever will again, and sad because many of the changes I witnessed revealed the worst of what could have become the greatest country in the world. I was born an optimist. However, when reality forced me to inspect issues important to the majority of our nation’s people, my optimism was replaced by skepticism. I find today’s America depressing. I’m not sure the country in which I wa

Do the “Cornheads” in Iowa Have any Influence Over Our Elections?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Wisconsin has its “Cheeseheads,” and it’s clear the Iowa has its “Cornheads.” Monday, Iowa’s voters proved that their brains are made of starch by overwhelmingly choosing Trump to represent them in the 2024 election on Monday. If I lived in Iowa, I would be so embarrassed that my state supported a traitor and a loser, I would be forced to find a new place to live. I have a single consolation: the “Corn State” lacks any importance in our national elections. I admire certain human qualities, including honesty, a high moral standard, the desire and ability to think freely, and common sense based on facts. I believe these qualities inspire other attributes including compassion and understanding. These qualities earn my respect, the greatest honor I offer any man or woman within my frame of reference. Sadly not a single member of today’s “Republican Party” has any quality and is undeserving of my respect. Our elected officials have a single, basic purpose: to work

Why is the U.S. Giving More Money to Israel Focused on the Murder of Innocent People?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I know this is controversial, but give me a chance to explain. What the terrorist group, Hamas, did in Israel is horrific and unforgivable. I would love to see them all eliminated by any means, as I would any other terrorist group, foreign or domestic. However, retaliating by killing thousands of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children is tantamount to a war crime. So, why is our government sending more money to Israel allowing Benjamin Netanyahu to continue his own form of genocide and placing the world in danger of WWIII? The truth is simple. Our government and our military love wars and winning them at any cost. No country in the world has committed a greater atrocity than the United States when the ultimate weapon of mass destruction was dropped on the people who lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. Hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children were killed and thousands more maimed. The truth is that this was the last time

Facts, not Fiction: Last Two Republican Presidents Bankrupted America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When Bill Clinton left office in 2001, our nation no longer had a deficit. He eliminated the national debt and left his successor with a surplus for the first time in many years. However, George W. Bush placed our nation in two costly and unwinnable wars. His fiscal policy, originated by Ronald Reagan in 1981, known as “trickledown economics,” failed miserably. These factors led to the Great Recession and the destruction of the housing market. However, the super-rich continued to receive huge tax breaks. Their numbers grew under the failure of another right-wing president. Trump reduced taxes once again on corporations and the wealthy. When he failed to lead our nation in the fight against the Covid-19 coronavirus in 2020, another recession neared and our economy crashed once again. He left the economy in shambles for President Biden to repair. He, too, chose a policy of trickledown economics. The lesson I give you is simple and proven by historical fact. The

Facts About the 75-Year War Between Israel and Palestine

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Whenever there is a conflict between nations, the core of the problem is always found in incompetent leaders who are incapable or unwilling to do their jobs. Regardless of the nation, all Presidents, Prime Ministers, or whatever they are called, have the same responsibilities: improve the lives of their country’s citizens, and ensure their safety. My country, the United States of America, has devolved over the last 40+ years. Our Founding Fathers created a nation ruled by the people, not autocrats. However, since the Ronald Reagan era, our elected officials consider themselves rulers, not public servants. They ignore our needs and wishes and serve their own ambitions. No one in Washington can be trusted or respected in the 21 st century. Israel received “Statehood” from the United Nations in 1948. Their neighbors in the region, Palestinians, requested the same status, but have been ignored for the last 75 years. There have been moments in my life when the pos

Miranda Was Told Her Twins Would Not Survive, but In Texas the Law Forced Her to Deliver Her Babies

Op-ed by “TheWiseOldFart”   It is a fact that the words ‘Republican’ and ‘Ignorant’ are indeed synonyms. On June 24, 2022, a Republican dominated Supreme Court ended a woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical health by overturning Roe v Wade. Actions were taken by legislatures in red states immediately. They passed multiple unrealistic, anti-abortion, and sexist laws, extending and escalating their war on women in the United States. Since that dark day in American history, nearly 16 months ago, there have been many stories about how this egregious and unconstitutional decision by a biased Court has harmed multiple women in our nation. However, what happened in Texas to one woman is a tale of cruelty, hatred, and ignorance by a right-wing dominated state government, led by Governor Greg Abbott. Miranda Michel received some devastating information regarding her pregnancy. She was carrying twin boys. Her doctors made an early diagnosis which would change her life

When Dumbasses Run a Country

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you need a perfect example of a politician with a total lack of intelligence, no one is better than Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. There is a contest within the once Grand Old Party. It will decide who is the most idiotic and laughable man or woman on the right side of the aisle. Although it is extremely close with such fools as Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren, Boebert, and others, I nominate Kennedy as the biggest ass in the world of Pachyderms. Everything coming from the piehole of the Senator from Louisiana is disgraceful and a complete fallacy. He is definitely in contention to replace Ted Cruz as the worst senator in American history. After Attorney General, Merrick Garland, answered a large number of moronic questions, with the intention of protecting Trump in future criminal actions, Kennedy made another of his infamous and senseless remarks. “I thought Attorney General Ga

Education in America is a Complete Failure

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over the last two decades studies prove that the United States is far behind other developed nations in quality of life, including education. History proves that the opportunity to receive a college degree opens doors which remain closed to less educated Americans. I am not claiming that every young American should attend a college or university. However, anyone who wants to extend their and education, their knowledge, should have the ability, the right to attend an institute of higher learning. One of the primary reasons America is falling behind other nations in several areas of economic development lies in the fact that the prohibitive cost of higher education prevents some of our most gifted young men and women from continuing their education after high school. Everything in America is about money. If America is to survive the 21 st century, our government must reverse its present course and end its obsession with corporate profits. It’s past