
Showing posts with the label Ignorance

Is Trump Unwittingly Reuniting our Nation and Too Stupid to Realize the Truth?

    Face it America, Trump and his party are the enemy. Trump is a destroyer, the opposite of a creator. This is why he failed to record a single accomplishment between 2017-2021, and will fail again between 2025 and 2029: if he lives that long, God forbid. Everything which improved the lives of the majority of our nation’s people has been removed over the last two weeks. Trump is showing his real self: he is a Nazi who supports our current plutocratic rule. He is NOT an American president. Calling Trump’s first two weeks pretending to be an American president have been labeled a disaster. This is true. However, it deserves adjectives added to disaster, including “abysmal,” “ultimate,” “horrific,” and many more. He told us that he would be taking revenge on his enemies, but not to this level. Most of every waking hour, and his executive orders are spent on personal attacks on his many, many detractors. None of this is focused on advancing the quality of life for our nation’s p...

Trump, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Musk Have a Lot in Common

    There are four men who share one quality other than claiming to be billionaires. Not one of them has done anything for another human being in their hollow lives. Not one of them deserves admiration, respect, or trust. They care only for themselves. For me, Trump, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Musk share other base qualities: their only gods are money, they believe that wealth makes them intelligent, and they reject everything which could make America a great country. It is no secret for any informed American, Trump’s loyalty never was and never will be to the American people. He constantly praises Vladimir Putin and his admiration of Adolf Hitler has been well documented. It is no secret that between 2021 and 2024, Trump and Putin were in constant communication, planning the old, orange buffoon’s return to the White House. Mark Zuckerberg is the founder and owner of Facebook/Meta. All social media networks are the enemies of truth, facts, and reality. To...

What’s Wrong With the Democratic Party?

Once again, this is where I tell you how incompetent and corrupt the mainstream media has become. However, for once I am not focused on how all major networks protect Trump and his party. No. This time my displeasure is focused on Democrats. It seems unrealistic that Kamala Harris could have lost to not only the worst candidate in history, but the worst person on the face of the earth. You have probably read or heard this many times: “What happened to the Democratic Party in 2024?” If the media had been truthful beginning in 2009, the American people would have refused to vote for a single Republican since the 2012 election. Democratic presidents have been the best guardians of our nation since Bill Clinton. They have accomplished 100 times more positive achievements than all Republicans combined since Reagan. However, all television media, the Washington Post and other major newspapers, learned a lesson from FOX News: sensationalism increases viewership, and increased viewership relat...

Elected Republicans Don’t Know how to Govern; They are Welcoming a non-Elected Billionaire as Co-President

In a recent article, I discussed the fact that Trump and his party were apparently paying homage to Elon Musk; accepting him as their “co-president.” Today, the failures on the right side of the aisle confirmed by assumption. "It's kind of interesting, we have a president, we have a vice president, we have a speaker. It feels like Elon Musk is our prime minister," Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) said in a CBS "Face the Nation" hit. This comment by another fake Republican confirms my many and frequent allegations that Trump’s party does not understand how America’s government functions, and there are reasons the men and women who take up space in Washington are elected by the people, not chosen by a dictator or Fuhrer. Very soon our country’s people will experience the most incompetent and untrustworthy government in American history.. Musk succeeded with Tesla, although recent problems with his vehicles question their reliability, but he displayed a narrow and limi...

On November 5th I Learned Something: I am no Longer Living in the America I Loved and Respected

I saw the signs, but ignored them. I wanted to believe that the American people were beginning to move forward and join all developed nations, moving bravely into the 21 st century. I have been wrong before, but this one is both painful and frightening. Statistics are not something I trust, most of the time. The mainstream media is no longer interested in facts, their goal is to increase advertising revenue. However, some facts, produced from statistical analysis after the election, are undeniable. The results of the 2024 presidential election proved that there are more of them than us. The number of people who share Trump’s beliefs in racism, misogyny, anger, hatred, violence, and revenge, or in a single word, “fascism,” is greater than the number of people who believe in the principles of what it once meant to be an American. What does this mean? It’s simple and extremely sad: my America, the country I loved and respected throughout most of 78 years, ceased to exist nine years ago. ...

Abraham Lincoln Was Right on the Money

Our 16 th President was a “seer.” In 1838 he predicted America in the 21 st century. [In a January 1838 speech to a group in Springfield, Illinois, Lincoln stated: "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."] On November 5 th , the American people made their choice, and the choice is clear: the majority prefer an end to democracy and the establishment of fascism in America. I doubt that 75 percent of the men and women who voted for Trump were aware of the truth, and were unaware of Trump’s plans for the destruction of our nation. America has the least informed citizens in the world. The truth is, none of this matters now. America’s people have surrendered their freedoms to Putin’s Puppet. The media and the most corrupt poli...

Writers Must Write

                                                                     TheWiseOldFart Writers Must Write My heart was broken. The election of Donald Trump for the second time was not only a huge mistake, but a dark day for our nation’s future. Hours after the results were reported, the writer in me put the pieces together. I realized that something I learned more than a dozen years ago, when I began writing for a newspaper. At least 90 percent of all Americans are uninformed and therefore ignorant. Most of our nation’s people are lazy and, like Trump, “learn everything they need to know on television.” Which means they know nothing. This is why I ceased writing my blog, “TheWiseOldFart.” However, this became a problem for me. I am a writer, and writers must write. Whether it is my blog or my novels, I have a ...

Government Shutdown? The Budget Was Already Approved: or Was It?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Another story proving that the government of the United States is the most corrupt and incompetent in the world of developed nations. Our country is facing another government shutdown. Wait a minute. In March, 2024, the Senate approved the 2024 national budget of 1.2 trillion dollars. The House voted in favor of the bill just days before. Only three months into a new year, and Congress finally did its job. In any other developed nation in the world, this would be the end of an agreement which decided how much money would be spent and where it would go. Not in the United States. Only in America, there is a “debt limit” which must be agreed to by both parties prior to the end of the fiscal year, September 30, 2024. If you don’t understand any of this, you are not alone. I doubt that many of our elected officials could give you a reasonable explanation. What I do know as a taxpayer is that one party, (usually Republicans), decided that they want changes in the bud...

Donald Trump: How Dumb is He?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In a display of both desperation and advancing stages of mental decline, Trump went off script during his hate rally in Pennsylvania last evening. Saturday evening was intended to be a “campaign reset” after the President ended his campaign, and Vice-President Kamala Harris became the new leader of the Democratic Party. However, once again, displaying a low level of intelligence, Trump ignored his teleprompter and began attacking Harris with baseless and humorless adjectives and adverbs. During his disheveled speech, Trump called his opponent both a communist and a fascist, while claiming she has “the laugh of a crazy person”. Pitiful. Once again, Trump proved that he has no understanding of politics or the basic structure of Governments. He was clearly unaware that “communism” and “fascism” are virtual antonyms, although I’m positive he doesn’t know what an “antonym” is. Communism: “a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war...

At the RNC, Republican Politicians Bragged About a “Better Life” with Trump as Your Illegitimate President

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Last week the Republican National Convention was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There were a lot of loud speeches, without original content. Kissing Trump’s humongous derriere was mandatory. Truthfully, most of it was a “sleepfest.” The worst came at the end when Trump accepted the nomination. He set an all-time record for length of an acceptance speech filled with lies, undecipherable comments, and more bragging and complaining, sometimes in the same sentence. I did get one huge laugh from the speeches when someone I never saw or heard of claimed that four years ago, when Trump was your illegitimate president, life in America was better than today. I have no idea what country he was living in between 2017 and 2021, but it definitely wasn’t mine. REPUBLICANS WANT YOU TO FORGET ABOUT COVID-19 Four years ago in July, thousands of Americans were dying every month from the ravages of Covid-19. Many of those lives were directly attributable to Trump’s in...

Our Closest Allies Are “Scared Shitless” About the Possibility of a Trump/Vance Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFa rt   I f one fact w ould keep you from thinking about giving your precious vote to Trump, this would be it.   No nation, including ours, can survive alone in today's dangerous world. Our closest allies in Europe have expressed their fear s of another Trump Presidency.   Over a short period of time, 2017-2021, Trump separated America from nations who fought in WW II, and those who once fought against us. Th ese close ties required years of work to gain trust and respect. Much of this was intentionally destroyed by Trump and his party. President Biden has restored these relationships, but Trump would destroy them again. Trump and Putin share the same goal: destroy NATO, the alliance which has prevented WWIII.   [ Europe’s fears are that a second T rump term would drastically reduce transatlantic security ties, increase tariffs and sever critical US support for Ukraine.]   THE TRUTH LIVES HERE, AND I KEEP THAT PROMISE   They have...