
Showing posts with the label Bully

Trump Continues to Bully Anyone Who Doesn’t Agree with His Moronic Plans

On Friday, Trump and Vance met with Ukraine President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office. When the fat old bully didn’t get his way, he and Vance began screaming at the leader of the country invaded by Trump’s puppeteer three years ago. Not what I think of as “presidential.” Then I realized Trump is not an American president. In just 40 days Trump has managed to alienate our European allies, create enemies on our northern and southern borders, and add chaos to the dysfunction which already existed in Washington. Trump is a traitor, a convicted felon, and a sexual predator, and now he has become the “destroyer.” Everything at the core of what made America a respected and envied nation is under attack by co-presidents Trump and Musk. By their actions and words they have revealed their Nazi beliefs and their fealty to Vladimir Putin. The American people are facing a war with our own government. The only question I have concerns the real power in our nation. Will our military support the people ...

America and The Bully Hated Around the World

“The Bully President.” This is certain to be the title applied to Donald John Trump. He has earned it. His threats have become famous, or better yet, infamous. His policies are founded on “quid pro quo.” He is not an intelligent communicator, and has proven that his book, “The Art of the Deal,” was 100 percent a fraud: a fairy tale. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to get anything done, with the exception of simple bribery. With no talent, and no knowledge of anything, he is undoubtedly the worst illegitimate president in history. Recently Trump sent his extremely unqualified Vice-President, J.D. Vance to Western Europe. After making a vile and demanding speech in Munich, German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, responded to the arrogant and unwelcome outsider. [Scholz spoke at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, slamming “outsiders intervening in our democracy, in our elections, in the democratic formation of opinion in favour of this party,” especially from “friends and alli...

Do It Now! Stand up and Tell Trump to “Go Back to Hell”

The Second Civil War began in 2017. However, a second illegitimate Trump presidency will undoubtedly result in a bloody Second Civil War. The only question of importance is “will our military stand with our nation’s people or the current fascist government?” It is an undeniable reality that military institutions are a fascist cult. They could not survive in a free-thinking society. Since 2015, I have been waiting to see if someone or some group with power would stand up to the Nazi pretending to be an American. I have given Trump many labels, including “Trumpenstein,” and “the orange buffoon.” However, in 2025 I find only three apply to Trump and his efforts to destroy my country: the “Antichrist,” the “Great Pretender,” and “The Destroyer.” Members of his cult who once worshipped Jesus Christ now offer their fealty to a godless and hate-filled old, white man. The very definition of “Antichrist” clearly describes the old and vengeful fool defiling our White House. While pretending to b...

Trump is a Bully; All Bullies Are Cowards

A draft dodger, a bully, a womanizer, a con artist: these are all terms which can accurately be used to describe Donald John Trump. Words which cannot be attached to Trump are caring, compassionate, kind, intelligent, generous, or leader. Like all egomaniacs, Trump enjoys having power over others, but is incapable of accepting even minor criticism from anyone. A little-known fact about Trump’s first illegitimate presidency has been ignored and probably hidden from the American people by the mainstream media, adds to the analysis of the real Donald Trump. After the federal execution of Billie Allen in 2003, not a single death row inmate had been executed by the federal government until 2019-2020. Trump approved of and even hurried the deaths of 13 federal prisoners. After his controversial reelection last November 5 th , he pledged to increase the number of executions after his inauguration. In an obvious response to Trump’s blood lust, President Biden recently commuted the death senten...

Kamala Harris Stands up to Another Bully

o Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is the primary reason why peace does not exist in the Middle East. He has refused to honestly discuss a solution to the unnecessary enmity between the Israeli and Palestinian people since his first term as Prime Minister in 1996. When the terrorist group Hamas murdered 364 Israelis on October 7, 2023, taking 40 more hostages, no one could find fault with Netanyahu’s intention to retaliate and hopefully rescue innocent victims taken during the massacre. MS. HARRIS EXPRESSES HER OPINION However, the attacks on Gaza have caused the deaths of more than 39,000 mostly innocent civilians, and displaced more than 2.3 million. Israel’s targets include hospitals and schools. This is not retaliation for his nation’s suffering, it looks more like genocide. After an angry speech before Congress, and a meeting with President Biden and Vice-President Harris Thursday, Netanyahu met with Trump on Friday at his trashy, white resort/ho...

Once Again, Trump’s Own Words Will Defeat Him

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Saturday Trump made a promise to his cult while rambling in Ohio. After praising the traitors who attempted to overthrow our government on January 6, 2021, he actually called them, “unbelievable patriots.”   He continued and made a dangerous promise to his ignorant supporters, claiming that if he loses the election, there will be a “bloodbath” across America. Many Americans took this statement as a threat. Trump obviously wants to plan, organize and execute a repeat of January 6.   “How Stupid is He?”   President Biden’s campaign wasted no time using Trump’s vile words against him in a new ad.   "The Trump campaign can try to spin all they want, but the context is clear: their candidate has spent every moment since his first campaign encouraging and excusing political violence. Repeatedly," said Biden campaign spokesperson Sarafina Chitika.   "It's not a bug, it's a feature of Donald Trump's extremism. We take Trump at hi...