Do You Know Anything About the “Real Donald Trump?”
I’m sure that between 75 and 80 percent of voters who cast their ballots for Trump pay no attention to what happens in Washington, and know nothing about the “real Donald Trump.” I begin with yesterday. Trump does not honor our fallen soldiers on Veterans Day. He openly calls them “suckers” and “losers,” asking, “what was in it for them?” On January 20, 2025, he will once again become their Commander-in-Chief. In 2017 Trump had transcripts of his time at a military boarding school and Wharton Business College sealed. Why? Just listen to him speak. He is virtually illiterate, lacking the mental ability to pass his courses. His degree, like his military deferments, were bought and paid for by daddy Fred. It is a well-known fact that he cannot read a document with complete comprehension, including the all important Presidents Daily Brief. After leaving Wharton, he went to work with his father in his New York apartment business. As a rental agent, his orders, which he eagerly accepted, wer...