Agism on the Rise in America Thanks to the Media and the Late Night Comics

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am nearly 78 years old. However, watching interviews on television, I am positive that I know more about everything than 98 percent of our nation’s people 30 years old and younger. I am also more informed than anyone aged 50 or under. I am disgusted with television and the print media for making President Biden’s age an issue. He has accomplished more in one term than any president since Bill Clinton. He has worked harder than Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump combined to solve our most important domestic issues. TRUMP IS OLDER THAN BIDEN PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY On November 5, 2024, the President will be 81 years old. He will be 82 later in the month. Trump will be 78, and his 79 th birthday will be in June of 2025. They are both elderly. However, chronological age at this point in their lives is less critical than their physical and mental health. Judging the President by his accomplishments and his work ethic is far greater than most individuals his ...