Mike Johnson’s Freedom Caucus Supports a Nation Without Laws

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is no secret that the Freedom Cau cus supports Trump and his fascist agend a. However, recent votes in the House prove that the FC supports Vladimir Putin and his illega l and immoral invasion of Ukraine. However, a recent statement by the FC ’ s new leader, Speaker Mike Johnson, confirms one even more frightening fact: it supports a nation without laws : a country where anarchy prevails. Johnson demanded an immediate end to all of Trump’s criminal trials. FREEDOM CAUCUS ATTEMPTING TO PROTECT OUR NATION’S BIGGEST CRIMINAL I admit that I am one of millions of Ameri cans who know that Trump is guilty of all chages levied against him. I have been writing about the worst man i n the world since 2013. I know his history and nearly every crime Big Adolf has committed since his father paid for his diploma from Wharton. His life is a tale of crime and debauchery. There are reasons why Trump was shipped off to military boarding school ...