Yes, Democrats and Most Independents are Democratic Socialists: but All “Conservatives” are Fascists

Since 2017, the label “conservative” has become synonymous with “right-wing extremism,” and more recently “fascism.” Trump and his anti-American supporters love to call real Americans “radical, liberal leftists.” Let me offer the facts, one more time. I am proud to be a liberal, or, if you prefer, “progressive.” I have many reasons, but two of them clearly define my beliefs. I cherish the principles contained in the Constitution, and I care about other Americans as much as I care about myself. Conservatives are first and foremost liars and hypocrites. They tell the American people what they want to hear: pandering to the worst. Their only goals in the 21 st century are increasing their own power and wealth by serving their masters: our nation’s 756 oligarchs/billionaires. America was not always this fucked up. In 1968, at the age of 22, I was planning to vote in my first national election. Like all men and women my age, who were in high school when John F. Kennedy was elected, voting ...