Prediction: If Nikki Haley is the Republican Nominee, and Biden is her Opponent, America Will Have its First Woman President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I cannot find any way to rationalize voting for old white men who will be 81 and 78 on November 5, 2024. The reasons are many, it’s just common sense. The average American is 38.2 years of age. Our nation is only 247 years old, and we have a lot to learn, including the mistakes in our past. Nikki Haley will be 52 on election day 2024. If Republicans get their heads out of their a**es, and realize that Trump is not an American and should never be elected to any office by nominating the former Governor of South Carolina, America will have its first woman president if Democrats nominate Biden. It's no secret that in 2020 Mr. Biden’s victory must be credited to the fact that Democrats and Independents were more interested in removing Trump from the White House than supporting Joe Biden. Voter turnout frequently decides the outcome of our presidential elections. 2020 set a record, based on my previous allegation. Trump continues to deny the fact that he was pum...