Have the American People Been Offered the Best “Republican” Possible Over the Last Eight Years?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I remember 13 U.S. Presidents. I was born in 1946 and have no memory of Harry Truman. Therefore, I witnessed 19 elections. I may be naïve, but I naturally assumed that both parties attempted to offer the best candidates available from their side of the aisle. Of course , I know that this was far from the truth, but I never gave it much thought until it became evident that Trump and President Biden would win their party’s nominations again in 2024 . MORE PROOF THAT THE ONCE GRAND OLD PARTY IS NOTHING BUT A MEMORY In the last three elections, those calling themselves Republicans offered us the same, old, obese, dim witted, orange buffoon. If he is the best they have to offer, a failure in life, a sexual predator, the leader of America’s Neo-Nazi movement, and now a convicted felon, what does that say about the entire GOP? I am not being facetious. How is it possible that voters, regardless of how ignorant they may be, c...