
Showing posts with the label Hypocrites

Let’s Track Your Lazy and Expensive Dictator

Your obese old pretend president is working as hard as he did in his first term. He is spending taxpayer money to chase a little, round ball through the grass. He’s not keeping his biggest promise, to end inflation, he is living the life of a billionaire using your money. Although Musk and his fake agency, DOGE, are ignoring the truth, Trump has already wasted 10.7 million dollars golfing in 2025. Nine out of 30 days have been spent wasting time like most very old, fat, white men who are or should be retired. More hypocrisy about claims to reduce government spending can be found in the expense of traveling to and from Mar-a-Lago. Trump only lives part-time in the White House. Adding up all expenses beginning with Air Force One at $200,000 per hour, the cost of each trip to his millionaire’s playpen is $3,383,250. Your Nazi president is the most expensive in history. What did you expect. Wealth and white privilege allowed him to avoid working one full day in his pitiful 78 years on this...

Universal “Qualities” Attributed to All Right-Wing Politicians: Cruelty, Stupidity, and Hypocrisy

    I was reading an article in the Daily Kos this morning. It literally mirrored my evaluation of all right-wing politicians over the last nine years. An article by Bill Addis began with the truth. [Everything and all things relating to Trump start with cruelty and stupidity and end in hypocrisy. [In the Trump era, the Republicans have gone out of their way to change their minds because when a Democrat does it, it's an outrage. When it's a Republican, it's business as usual.] If you are a history buff, you know when this all began and these policies were instrumental in the demise of the once Grand Old Party. In 1981, Ronald Reagan refused to allow any Republican politician to have free thought and any opinion other than his own. Loyalty and unity were demanded by the actor turned president. After the Republican Party took its final breaths on January 19, 2017, there has been no dissent within Trump’s American Fascist Party. However, that may change i...

America’s Nine Years of a Double Standard

Democrats are cowards, and Republicans are liars and hypocrites. This is what it means to be a member of a failed political party. All political organizations are bad, some are just worse than others. It is not an exaggeration to claim that all Republicans are criminals and care only about themselves and their party. The truth is, the once Grand Old Party committed suicide in 2017. Democrats say all the right things but lack the courage to act decisively. Where do these facts fit into America’s future? As long as our choices at the polls are between these two failed political parties, our country has no future. The recent pardon of Hunter Biden by his father, the President of the United States, was courageous and the right thing to do. So why was Mr. Biden criticized by both Democrats and Republicans? You tell me: it makes no sense. Hunter Biden’s alleged “crimes” are seldom prosecuted. This situation was a Republican witch hunt and an effort to hide their many crimes over the last nin...

To All Nevadans: Sam Brown is a Trump Stooge who Supports Project 2025

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart To all my fellow Nevadans: Jacki Rosen has worked for our state’s people. Sam Brown is another Trump stooge, and the nephew of a billionaire who owns the Cleveland Browns. Therefore, he supports Project 2025. All of his television ads are bullshit. James Turnage    

Your Laugh for the Weekend

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This will be short, but when I read that men and women who call themselves “Christians” are meeting in Washington to pray for a Trump victory. They are clearly “fake Christians” because they worship a man who is godless. He worships money and power. Everything he does, every crime he commits, is for personal gratification. The pastor of the church Trump claims as his own has never once seen him cross the threshold. Once again: most men and women who call themselves “Christians” are hypocrites. Op-ed by James Turnage  

Sorry Fake Republicans, Your Hypocrisy is Showing

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart All across America Republicans are placing blatant lies on your television. They claim that criminals, rapists, and escapees from insane asylums are rushing into the United States in big numbers. They make these baseless claims while showing films from other events not related in any way to immigration. They are composed of nothing but bullshit. Trump and his fake Republicans have no weapons with which they can attack Kamala Harris. In desperation, they are attacking her for being weak on border control. Sorry, my one-time Republican friends, but I have sworn to tell the truth. REPUBLICANS DON’T CARE ABOUT IMMIGRATION REFORM Republicans are liars and right-wing extremists, who have no interest in immigration reform. They serve Trump, not their country. Recently, President Biden and Vice-President Harris worked across the aisle to pass legislation designed to protect our borders, Border Control agents lauded the agreement. However, the obstructionists in the Hous...

Elections and Politicians Can be Bought, but Republicans are Making it Difficult

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Between 2017 and 2021, Trump accomplished only one verifiable success: tax cuts for the super-rich. This is the only reason why most of America’s 81 3 billionaires support Trump in 2024. Republicans support the current plutocracy. Without their money, the right-wing would lose every election and fade away into the place where bad memories are kept.   Fact: most elections are won by the candidate with the biggest war chest. However, in 2024, the party on the right side of the aisle is making it difficult. They adopted a platform which has been described as a “ dystopian, fake-masculine, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant vision of America .” It’s called Project 2025, or as Trump calls it, “Agenda47.” I’m not sure that even the super-rich can support such horrible list of fascist ideas.   This 920 - page document, compiled by the Heritage Foundation with the assistance of more than 200 former employees of Donald Trump, is entirely contradictory ...

Fact: Law Enforcement and Judges Cannot be Trusted: What About our Military?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let's look at what happened in America since 2017, and the truth about the darkest day in Ame rican history, January 6, 2021.   First, let me tell you about how time is the greatest teacher of all . As I moved from childhood and became a young adult, I realized that I had been a child of white privilege . Therefore, I had always trusted law enforcement, the justice system , and our military leaders , virtually anyone older than me, or in a position of power.   Education is not entirely the result of schools and books. I know that experien ce is often of greater value than formal education.     I was sixteen in 1962 before I learned about the “two Americas.” This is not a phrase popular in 2024, but it remains a reality, l ike it or not. I left Parochial School in my junior year of high school . I enrolled in a public high school . I was now a student in an institution which had a diverse student body and offered additional free...