Please, not Another Old, White, Trump Crony

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Moscow Mitch McConnell is stepping down as the Republican leader in the Senate. At the age of 82, this is something he should have done more than a decade ago. He is the creator of the “party of no,” and the reason congress has failed the American people for the last 15 years. It is he who stacked the Supreme Court after creating policies which he threw aside for personal benefit in October of 2020, just days before the general election. I will be very pleased to see him go. His “party first” policy is why our government is dysfunctional today. The people of Kentucky gave us this mess for the last 40 years. His obstructionist policies are legendary. When Chuck Schumer became the Senate Majority Leader hundreds of bills remained on his desk which Moscow Mitch refused to put up for a vote. Many of these bills would have improved the quality of life for most Americans, and many involved improving the lives of our military personnel. Although I will be pleased to se...