Giuliani Disbarred: Trump Remains Unpunished

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you bust you r ass for an old, obese, white man with a much bigger ass, you will lose everything of value, while he remains unscathed. This is a pattern for those who serve the worst man in the world. Donald Trump cares for no one but himself. He demands absolute loyalty, but offers none in return. The first in a long line of suckers, (Trump’s term), was the former senator from Alabama, Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions. He offered his devotion to Trump in 2015, the first member of the Republican Party to do so. Although the mainstream media refused to re port the facts, Sessions became a go-between for Trump and his handler, Vladimir Putin during the 2016 campaign . After Trump was declared the winner in a rigged election, Sessions begged the illegitimate president-elect for a position in the White House. Sessions became Trump’s first Attorney General. However, when he refused Trump’s unrealistic demand to fire th...