
Showing posts with the label Equality

When Governments Fail to Act, the Situation only Worsens

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “All governments are bad, some are worse than others.” I heard this when I was a young man. Over my nearly 78 years I have learned that it was and is completely true. The only thing I didn’t consider was that my government would become the most corrupt and incompetent of them all. My interest in politics began in 1956, when I was 10 years old. I turned on our television when I arrived home from school, and on the TV was Dwight Eisenhower’s second convention. I was fascinated. Now that I am an old man, I look back on the 13 presidents I have watched, listened to, and read about. Only one of the 13 was a great president; JFK: and three are on the list of the worst in history: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and at the bottom, Donald Trump. Of the nine remaining, three were admirable for their accomplishments; Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden; three were somewhat competent and had good intentions; Dwight Eisenhower, George H.W. Bush, and Barack Obama. The f

I Have Not Forgotten Women’s History Month

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   One of the biggest changes in our nation’s history between the year of my birth, 1946, and today concerns the women of our country. Progress was made until 2022 when a corrupted Supreme Court reversed a decision made by a legitimate Court 49 years in the past removing a woman’s right to make decisions related to her personal physical and mental health. June 24, 2022 was one of the darkest days in America’s history.   Many changes have been made in my 77+ years, but not nearly enough .   Women are no Longer Asking for Equality, They’re Taking It   Equality in America remains virtually unchanged in 2024. Women, minorities, members of the LGBTQ Community, and both legal and illegal immigrants continue to be treated differently than white men. However, women continue to make changes in our society.   Over the last 20 years women have taken a greater interest in our government and its political system. More women are registered to vote than men. A growing numb