
Showing posts with the label Sexual Predator

Trump Continues to Bully Anyone Who Doesn’t Agree with His Moronic Plans

On Friday, Trump and Vance met with Ukraine President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office. When the fat old bully didn’t get his way, he and Vance began screaming at the leader of the country invaded by Trump’s puppeteer three years ago. Not what I think of as “presidential.” Then I realized Trump is not an American president. In just 40 days Trump has managed to alienate our European allies, create enemies on our northern and southern borders, and add chaos to the dysfunction which already existed in Washington. Trump is a traitor, a convicted felon, and a sexual predator, and now he has become the “destroyer.” Everything at the core of what made America a respected and envied nation is under attack by co-presidents Trump and Musk. By their actions and words they have revealed their Nazi beliefs and their fealty to Vladimir Putin. The American people are facing a war with our own government. The only question I have concerns the real power in our nation. Will our military support the people ...

Biggest Promise Made, Biggest Promise Broken

“I will lower inflation on day one.” Donald John Trump. Another big lie. Trump admitted that he doesn’t know how to lower inflation. In fact, after day one he never mentioned the subject. His time was well-spent, signing unconstitutional executive orders and playing with Musk and his other laughing oligarchs. His focus was on more important issues, including renaming the Gulf of Mexico, stealing Greenland, turning Gaza into a “Middle East Mar-a-Lago,” and making Canada our 51 st state. I have questions and concerns about the validity of the 2024 election. Regardless, exit polls revealed that Trump’s controversial victory was the result of a single issue: inflation. Inflation has actually risen by three percent over the last few weeks. The effects of Trump’s foolhardy tariffs will result in additional costs to consumers in the near future. The facts prove that over his 78 and ½ years, he is a failure when economics are involved. Trump was forced to file bankruptcy on two Atlantic City ...

Did You Vote for Trump? It’s All Your Fault

13 disastrous days. In 2017 Trump began his illegitimate presidency by destroying or attempting to destroy the many accomplishments of Barack Obama. The orange liar, the con man, is not a “doer,” someone who accomplishes anything. Trump is an old, obese Nazi with a brain the size of a fruit fly, without a heart or a soul. His goal is to destroy America from within. Over the last 13 days, he revoked hundreds of positive actions by a real President, Joe Biden. If you think that Trump gives a damn about anyone, any man, woman, or child in America, you literally must have your head examined. Trump accomplishes nothing of importance. He prefers to undo the successes of his predecessors who did care about our nation’s people. Trump doesn’t have the slightest idea what a positive accomplishment might look like. He is THE DESTROYER. Trump lives in the past. When he was a child in the 1950’s and 1960’s, his father, Fred Trump, taught him to be a racist and a bigot, and a womanizer. He also lear...

Meet Pete “the Party Animal” Hegseth, Your Secretary of Defense

Your uncaring and Trump worshiping fake Republican Party confirmed a woefully unqualified degenerate to oversee the largest and most expensive military force in the world. Pete “the Party Animal” Hegseth, is a drunk, a womanizer, a thief, and another Trump wannabe who paid hush money to a woman he sexually assaulted. So when I tell you that cowardly and hypocritical Republican Senators in Washington confirmed his nomination as, you won’t want to believe this, Secretary of Defense, you may or may not be appalled, but you should be. Good news for Republican politicians who worship Trump, Hegseth has promised to end Pentagon waste. He will make many changes in how the military brass spends taxpayer money. He believes that women are meant to be subservient to men and they are not qualified for combat. Therefore, he will change their uniforms to something more fitting for real women Combat gear for male soldiers and sailors is too expensive, and Hegseth has a cure for that.   Hegseth ha...

“Sleepy Donnie”

His criminal hush money trial: his inauguration: in the National Cathedral: these are just a few of the places where Trump was caught by the television cameras sleeping. It seems that if he is not complaining about being mistreated, or praising himself, he is asleep sitting up. You might remember his nickname for President Biden, “Sleepy Joe.” Trump has rightfully inherited that nickname. He is a very old man; the oldest president elected in history. In just 15 months, he will be 80, if he survives that long. He is obviously in steep decline mentally and physically, and becoming more so every month. The truth is, a good nickname for Mr. Biden would have been “Working Joe.” He was one of the hardest working presidents in my lifetime, and I can bear witness 14 of them. This is why he has a long list of accomplishments, and the same reason why Trump had none. I continue to believe that the late-night comics, the mainstream media, and of course fake Republicans all combined to President Bi...

America is Burning and the World is Laughing

The unthinkable happened. The United States of America elected a Nazi to run and ruin their nation.   This is what the world is saying, and why they are laughing at the stupidest people in the free world. We could have remained neutral in WWI I and simply allow Hitler to conquer the world, sharing it with the Emperor of Japan. That would have saved more than 400,000 lives and hundreds of billions of dollars each year between 1941-1945 .   However, the American government is the worst and most incompetent in the world.   T he citizens of most nations are far more informed than our country’s people. They are undoubted ly convinced that for the second time in our n ation’s history, Vladimir Putin decided the outcome of America’s future.   If a t any time in my 78 years someone had told me that any free and developed nation had elected a leader that was nearing 80 years of age, w as a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator whose closest “friend” for 10 ye...

My Dream Became a Nightmare

  I could use this title for many situations in my 78 years. But this refers to last night and a dream I had just before I awoke. The dream was about Trump and involved his obesity, unhealthy diet, and refusal to exercise. He is so lazy he drives his golfcart onto the greens. He is a poster boy for a stroke or heart attack. This was my dream. Trump had a massive stroke, preventing him from being sworn in on Monday. However, I was awake immediately and realized that my dream had become a nightmare. The inauguration will take place in just four days. He will once again be lying as he promises to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies foreign and domestic.” He is the enemy. Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who will be totally embarrassed and sad on Monday. It would have been impossible 30 years ago for a serial philanderer, a convicted felon, and the only sitting president to have c...

She is Not a Politician, She is a Great American and Will Do the Right Thing

You might know the name. She surpassed Oprah Winfrey as the most respected woman in America. She is brilliant, a great patriot, and always says and does the right thing. Several groups encouraged Michelle Obama to run for the presidency in 2020. I have no doubt she could have won a huge victory. However, after living in the White House for eight years and privy to how ugly the world of politics can be, she declined. After Trump’s illegitimate victory in the Electoral College in 2016, she was courteous and kind to Melania Trump, performing her duties as the outgoing First Lady. Now that Trump will once again become our nation’s most controversial and unpopular president, she is no longer required to play nice. True to her beliefs and principles, she announced her refusal to attend Trump’s illegal inauguration on January 20. America’s biggest traitor should not be allowed a return to the White House. America is just another young country which will not survive its first 500 years. Our na...

I Remember When America Was a Strong and Moral Country

The date was September 9, 1956. I was a ten-year-old boy and was somewhat excited. On that Sunday evening, the young man I had heard so often on the radio was scheduled to appear on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time. There was one problem. The censors convinced the network executives that some viewers would consider the way Elvis Presley moved “immoral” and “indecent.”  An agreement between all parties resulted in Mr. Presley being televised from the waist up. Like everyone else, I became a fan for life. How things have changed. In twelve days an old, obese, convicted felon who cheated on all three of his wives, is accused of sexual assault by more then 25 women, and paid hush money to an adult film star to hide his immoral action from voters, will become our nation’s 47 th president: but not mine. Our country has lost its morality and is no longer a respectable  nation. Think about this honestly: does any man or woman with just average intelligence believe that a sexua...

Gaetz is a Huge Creep: (Who Would Have Thought It?)

The House reneged on its past policies and decided not to hide the ethics investigation into Matt Gaetz actions, claiming “for reasons of national security.” He is far worse than anyone would have believed. His drug use is far more pervasive than we were led to believe. He spent huge amounts of money paying for sex. Not only did he frequently have sex with young, underage women, he transported some across state lines. One more thing which confirms the idiocy of the people of Florida. They elected and reelected the criminal. In January, with their “Don” returning to the White House, the Washington Mafia will be intact. Never, never forget that your “stable genius” president nominated a man without morals and principles for the office of our country’s top law enforcement officer. The big question is the same question real Americans ask about Donald Trump: why are they not in a federal holding cell awaiting trial for their many crimes. I know of cases where law enforcement uses the slimme...

Nicer Descriptions of Donald Trump: Coward, Wimp, Draft Dodger, Dumber than a Bag of Rocks, and the World’s Biggest Whiner

I have written hundreds of articles defining the real Donald Trump. It is an undeniable fact that he is a convicted felon, a traitor, a lifetime criminal, a sexual predator, and other horrible things. I decided that it was time to write about his flaws as a human being, if he is one. My research into Trump’s 78 years began when he was a 13-year-old teenager. His parents obviously didn’t want him in their home, so they sent him to a New York military boarding school. I learned little about his time spent in the institution because when he became your illegitimate president in 2016, he had all of his scholastic records sealed. I can only assume that they are very embarrassing, even for an old man who seldom displays emotions other than fear, anger, hatred, and inciting others to commit violence on his behalf. After father Fred paid for deferments which allowed Donny to avoid serving in Vietnam, he received a diploma from the University of Philadelphia’s Wharton College of Business. What ...

How America Lost its Values, Morals, and Principles Over the Last 78 Years

I was born on July 7, 1946; an original baby boomer. My mother gave birth to me in Lewiston, Idaho. Just before my sixth birthday, my mother, father, little brother, John, my maternal grandparents, and my mother’s youngest brother moved to Los Angeles, because that’s where the jobs were. Several years later, my mother and father divorced. My mother rented a small apartment very near my grandparent’s home in West Los Angeles. My mother was a single parent, and therefore a working mom. My grandparents and my uncle were role models and helped raise my brother and me. We were a Catholic family. Besides going to church every Sunday, we went to “novena” on Wednesdays, and every celebration associated with Christmas and Easter. I went to ‘confession’ every week. From my grandfather I learned the most important things in my life: kindness, acceptance, respect for everyone in my life, a high moral standard, and a work ethic like no other. At the age of ten, I began an interest in politics. I di...

How We Know Trump is the Worst President in History?

  What is the role of a U.S. President? Until 2017, this was what was expected from our nation’s leader. [The authors of the U.S. Constitution only sketched a loose outline of the presidency when they defined the federal government in 1787. They expected the first presidents to work out the details of the job with Congress and the Supreme Court. As a result, the first officeholders helped shape the way presidents make decisions, fight wars, work with Congress, add territory to the country, and even entertain.] Let’s begin with his personal life. Trump is a man without morals or principles. He is a registered serial philanderer, having cheated on all three of his trophy wives. It was recently revealed and confirmed that he attended parties with his “best friend,” Jeffrey Epstein, for 10 years. This proves that Trump is one of the most disgusting sexual predators of all time. Trump operated his businesses in the same manner as his marriages. He lied, cheated, and stole among ot...

Possible Headline for November 6, 2024

The Truth Lives Here If the American people abandon their values, morals, and principles for a second time on November 5 th , this will be the headline on every newspaper and the front page of every blog on the day after around the world.. “America Elects a Convicted Felon, a Confirmed Sexual Predator, and a Fascist.” How proud our Founding Fathers would be. Op-ed by James Turnage  

Sexist Donald Trump Pretends to Care About Women and Families: It’s Called “Pandering”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Anyone with half-a-brain knows that Trump is a sexual predator, and believes that women have a single purpose: to serve the needs and wishes of men. Whether you support T rump or not, this is an irrefutable fact.   All real women in America despise Donald Trump: he has earned their ire time and time again . T he fact that he has been married three times, and had extramarital affairs multiple times during each marriage, is an unforgivable fact. Trump is a man without mor al s , without a consci ence.   Tim Walz   called Trump a Vance “ weird .” I would add the term “creepy.”   During a recent interview in Georgia, a question from the audience asked if banning abortions would affect IVF. This was the old man man’s response.   After proclaiming to be “the father of IVF,” which went unchallenged by Faulkner, Trump then shared an anecdote of a phone call he had  with Republican Alabama Senator Katie Britt.   “So,...