My Dream Became a Nightmare

I could use this title for many situations in my 78 years. But this refers to last night and a dream I had just before I awoke. The dream was about Trump and involved his obesity, unhealthy diet, and refusal to exercise. He is so lazy he drives his golfcart onto the greens. He is a poster boy for a stroke or heart attack. This was my dream. Trump had a massive stroke, preventing him from being sworn in on Monday. However, I was awake immediately and realized that my dream had become a nightmare. The inauguration will take place in just four days. He will once again be lying as he promises to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies foreign and domestic.” He is the enemy. Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who will be totally embarrassed and sad on Monday. It would have been impossible 30 years ago for a serial philanderer, a convicted felon, and the only sitting president to have c...