I Turned on my Computer This Morning and Asked Myself, “What Country am I Living In?”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Where am I? What country am I living in? I know it’s not America, at least not the America in which I was raised or the America I remember 40-50 years ago. Never would a man or woman become or president if he or she was not an American. If where I’m living is the United States, why is our government allowing corporations to rape us financially. What’s with the growing interest in fascism? Why is our government ignoring the escalating danger of domestic terrorism. The only things I recognize from my younger years are pervasive racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and extreme sexism. Here are three headlines which made me shake my head and say to myself, “what the hell?” [FBI Whistleblower: Giuliani was made an Asset by Russian Intelligence Trump - Russian Spy Biden arrives in Florida to survey Idalia's toll from the sky and ground. DeSantis won't see him] The first is no surprise. Putin’s presence was constant in Trump’s world from June of 2015 when he de...