
Showing posts with the label Kamala Harris

One Year Until the Election, but no Definitive Predictions, Only Possibilities and Hopes

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   This week the mainstream media attempted to strike fear into the hearts of all real Americans. Everyone of these fake news agencies reported a story about a recent poll claiming that Trump is leading Biden in battleground states by three percentage points. I might remind everyone, the election is one year in the future. I would also remind you that Hillary Clinton was predicted to be victorious until election day 2016. With assistance from the mainstream media, James Comey, and Vladimir Putin, Trump barely won the Electoral College after the voter turnouts in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were lower than expected. He lost the popular vote, the only vote which should count, by three million. Less than 80,000 total votes in those three states gave us the worst president in history. I must explain the manner in which polls are taken today. In the past, both parties and independent agencies used landline phone numbers. Very few homes have landlin