Let’s Look at What is Happening in America Today: April 17, 2024

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I can’t believe I’m writing this. This article is about a country I have never heard of, certainly not the country where I was born and raised. The subject matter is more about our country’s overall condition than individual events. Let me just say right up front that the division within our nation began in 2015. It has become so severe, the United States is currently engaged in a Second Civil War. Currently it is bloodless, but that could soon change. Trump’s supporters continue to accept lies as facts, not because Trump is a legitimate leader, because they agree with “Big Adolf” and his American Fascist Party’s plan for our nation’s future. His “army” is composed of different groups with a single bond: their fascist beliefs. We call them “Neo-Nazis” in 2024, but they could also be called “The Confederacy.” Regardless, their ambitions are the same. A DAY OFF: MORE TIME FOR A LONG NAP? Today, Donald Trump was not in a courtroom. It was a day off for the lif...