How the Media Created “Trumpenstein”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is not a smart man, and I’m being very kind. In 2023/24, he appears to be in early stages of senility. There is no possible way his low level of intelligence orchestrated his success in politics. Before Trump, George W. Bush was undoubtedly the worst, least intelligent president in American history. However, it took less than six months for Trump to prove that he would forever be the worst man to ever reside in the White House. However, he had a great deal of help. His incompetent party, led by the old man in the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell, covered up his many crimes, proved he was above the law, and offered unfettered loyalty, although in private they despised the weak-minded old, obese, white man who failed at everything in his 77 years. Trump remains the least qualified presidential candidate to seek either major party’s nomination. However, it was the press, the once respected Fourth Estate, which aided his and Vladimir Putin’s efforts to win...