Trump is an Ugly Man, Inside and Out, but His Georgia Mug Shot Exposes the Clown Inside

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart No one with an average IQ has ever taken Trump seriously; he is not a serious man. He has never said anything of importance in 77 years. However, political cartoonists continue to create caricatures displaying Trump as a fool, a charlatan, and a buffoon for decades. He has no sense of humor, because humor requires intelligence. Facts prove that nothing coming from Trump’s pie hole has impressed anyone with average intelligence. In fact, we reject his baseless lies and conspiracy theories. When he was arrested in Georgia last week and posed for his mugshot, he attempted to appear fierce. What a joke. Trump is a bully and all bullies are cowards. Around the world Trump’s mugshot is creating laughter. Laughter at the picture itself, and laughter at the man beneath who continues to prove that he cannot be taken seriously. Mark Hamill, a.k.a. Luke Skywalker, couldn’t resist commenting immediately. “Wonder if he’s tired of winning yet,” wrote Star Wars actor Ham...