All Older Americans Are Frequently Depressed

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Before I discuss old age, I need to say that at the age of 78, in a few weeks, I am especially depressed. I grew up during a time when patriotism was at its highest point. It appears that when my life ends, my beloved country will be nothing but a memory. The dream of our Founding Fathers will have died, and the men who sought the destruction of the “great experiment” will have been victorious. THE REAL MEANING OF LIFE “Life is a journey,” and other trite old sayings bear truth without an explanation. Change is never easy, but when it becomes inevitable, it can produce levels of depression as we reach our “golden years,” a term I despise. If we didn’t have the ability to remember our past, aging would be much easier. Personally, my moments of depression occur when I attempt to do something which was easy for me in the past is difficult or even impossible today. I am very fortunate that my mind is intact, and maybe a little sharper in some ways th...