Alito, Trump, an Upside-Down Flag, and the End of the Supreme Court of the United States

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I believe that few Americans understand the devastation caused by Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell when they violated their ethics, if they ever had any, and stacked the Supreme Court with extremists. Our country was damaged when Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were confirmed in 1991 and 2005. However, the Court remained balanced, and the highest Court in the land continued to function. However, Moscow Mitch’s hypocritical support for Donald Trump was part of a plan to accomplish a lifetime goal. Trump is a fool. He is easily manipulated by those who understand his mental weakness. This malignant narcissist is desperate for undeserved praise and relevance. TRUMP HAD NO INPUT REGARDING THE NOMINEES HE SUPPORTED FOR THE COURT It was not Trump who nominated three totally unqualified Supreme Court candidates. He knows nothing about anything in our government. Moscow Mitch took advantage of his disease and gave him the names: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy C...