
Showing posts with the label Truth

Celebrities Have a Huge Reason to Involve Themselves in our Elections: Trump has an Entire Propaganda Machine on Television

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Late night talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, spent 19 minutes offering factual information to Trump supporters. He offered multiple reasons why they cannot trust the very old, very obese buffoon. Unfortunately for the popular host, Trump supporters choose to be ignorant and reject facts. A true Trump supporter spends hours each day watching the right-wing propaganda machine, calling itself “Fox News.” It has never been about the news and definitely not about facts. A loyal Trump supporter will never read or watch any information source which refuses to praise the con man. When confronted with the truth, their response is universal: “I don’t believe that.” The truth frightens them. If Trump can use a 24-hour television network to support his lies, Jimmy Kimmel and other talk show hosts are justified in finding ways to make their viewers laugh about Trump’s moronic and fallacious words and actions. Trump would like everything his way. However, this is a fantasy. Trump...

Lies Are Easy to Accept: The Truth, Not so Much

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have readers who don’t like what I write. Some of them hate me, although they don’t know me. I am guilty of only one thing: I write the truth. The truth is often difficult to accept, while lies which play on our emotions are eagerly embraced. I admit to mistakes. Sometimes there are errors in my research, and sometimes individuals I considered trustworthy were dishonest and my radar was turned off. However, my articles are never the result of lies or conspiracy theories posted on social media, or from right-wing extremist blogs, podcasts, or television broadcasts. To the best of my ability, the truth will always live here. Although Ronald Reagan was a complete fraud, he said one thing I have never forgotten: “trust but verify.” I also believe in the writer’s instruction manual, which is composed of just six words: who, what, why, when, where, and how. Sadly, the 21 st century, “the age of information,” has too much information. Most of it is false because mos...

I Need Someone to Trust, but Who?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart What have I learned at the age of 78? I cannot trust anyone. I am no different from millions of other Americans when I admit that I have no faith in anyone in Washington. The government of the United States has become the most corrupt in all free and developed nations. Although the men and women who who are elected to serve the American people, to help us achieve our needs and wishes, promise to do just that during their campaigns, but when they are elected they ignore us and focus on the goals and ambitions of their political parties. Polls prove that the entire right side of the aisle is opposed to every issue of importance to the majority of our nation’s people. Included are fair taxation, protecting Social Security and Medicare, universal healthcare, sensible immigration reform, free or affordable education, protecting voter rights, and guaranteeing the right of all women to decide the future of her personal mental and physical health. Instead, “Republicans”...

Why I Like Tim Walz

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Since 2015 the mainstream media has intentionally ignored the “real Donald Trump.” They have allowed him to create a false image. Although he is a failed businessman, a confirmed sexual predator, a convicted felon with more likely to come, a traitor, the leader of the American fascist movement, and the worst president in American history, not one word of this or a single exposure of his hundreds of thousands of lives has been offered by a single member of the former fourth estate. The press is virtually useless. However, there is a new sheriff in town, and her deputy is telling the truth, exposing both Trump and the failure of the mainstream media to do its job. TIM WALZ ON THE ATTACK, REFUSING TO PLAY DEFENSE Trump is being challenged by real Americans, members of his own party, a very few members of the legitimate press, and now an attack dog who is willing to attack him with what he fears most, the truth. Tim Walz was speaking at an event in L...

My Huge Problem with Democrats

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Liz Cheney released her memoir. In it she accurately describes the dangers posed to our nation by Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans. I just read an article on “The Daily Kos.” It is written by Will Cambridge, and the title is: “Why Does it Take Liz Cheney to Say What Biden and All Democrats Should Be Saying?” The former Representative from Wyoming, and daughter of a vice-president, Ms. Cheney offered a legitimate description of Trump, calling him a “wannabe dictator,” and a “fascist.” She claims that a Trump victory in 2024 would be the end of the United States of America, and added: “A vote for Donald Trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in," she warned. The entire book is an accurate evaluation of what has happened to the former “Party of Lincoln,” and how Trump has become the greatest danger to America’s existence. The real question is “why haven’t Democrats offered these truths before?” Why did they allow Trump to go unpunish...

The Last “Republican” President Left Office in 1974

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The Republican Party experienced its final implosion on January 20, 2017. Its demise began on January 20, 1981. It took 36 years to complete the process, and under the direction of Vladimir Putin the process reached its climax when Trump was illegitimately elected by the Electoral College on November 8, 2016. This may surprise some of you, but as a lifelong Independent I can tell you that the last man residing in the White House who supported the principles and morals of the Grand Old Party, who was a true patriot and cared for the future of his country was Richard Millhouse Nixon. If we judge our presidents by their accomplishments and how they affected the largest number of our nation’s people, the best President by far was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Included in the top five would be Richard Nixon. Sadly, what he will be remembered for by historians is his ambition to receive a second term and the felonies he committed when he approved the break-in at th...

Tuberville is the Poster Boy for Today’s Fake Republican Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   First, “the truth lives here,” and I must reiterate my many statements offering the fact that the Republican Party is dead and has been buried since January 2017. Not a single principle or ideal of the once Grand Old Party exists today within the clowns who claim to be “Republicans.” When every “Republican” offered unconditional support to an obese, old, white man who is a confirmed sexual predator, a white supremacist, and spent four years attempting to end democracy in America, and was elected with the assistance of Vladimir Putin and the mainstream media on January 20, 2017, it was clear that the Party of Lincoln was nothing more than a memory. The right-wing has become “the party of no” under the leadership of Moscow Mitch McConnell. They do nothing with the exception of attempting to overturn laws which benefit the majority of the American people, and attack the men and women on the left side of the aisle for doing the right thing. The party’s despica...

Which Piece of Trash Will Today’s RINOs Offer the American People on November 5, 2024?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Not a single “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. If they claim to be patriots and love their country’s people, they are lying. They are all hypocrites who ignore the vast majority of our nation’s people in lieu of their super-rich owners. In the ignorant, red state of Iowa, Trump and his primary rival, the worst governor in our nation, Ron DeSantis, met head-to-head on Saturday evening. (I decided to begin this with a laugh. Two old, braindead, would-be fascists professing to love their country while lying every time they open their pie holes.) First, an honest observation. If these two ugly, angry, old white men are the best the once Grand Old Party has to offer, the “Republican Party” is dead and gone forever. Even the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney cannot convince men and women with average intelligence that Trump should be nominated by a party which was once known as the “Party of Lincoln.” He is an insult not ...