One Example of One of the Most Important Issues of This Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1981 the Republican Party began to change. It could no longer be called “the Party of Lincoln.” Right wing politicians had begun their abandonment of the principles, morals, and ideals of a great President, and an even greater man. One change remains a dark fact which is no longer a secret. Facts confirm that when there is a large voter turnout the results of the election favor Democrats. Today every red state has passed laws focused on voter suppression. This is a major issue no one is talking about. The targets are specific groups which historically support Democratic candidates. A combination of this fact and Republican racism and bigotry led Republicans to place an emphasis on Black voters, but now includes anyone who is not pure white and Christian. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION Trump suffered a devastating defeat in the 2020 election. He knows it. However, his affliction with malignant narcissism prevents him from accepting this irrefutable fact. Th...