The Complete Truth About the 2020 Election and a Childish Loser

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is an irrefutable fact that Trump is a malignant narcissist who cannot accept criticism and most definitely losing, although he has never won anything through his own efforts or merits in his lifetime. Therefore, it was not a big surprise when Trump became the only president who refused to accept a peaceful transfer of power, although he was soundly defeated by Joe Biden. Two Democrats had Valid Reasons to Contest Their Losses In 2000 Al Gore had a valid reason to contest the results which gave George W. Bush the presidency. He won the popular vote. However, the Electoral College Vote would be decided by Florica voters. After a number of irregularities, a recount was ordered in several key counties. Then came an announcement from the Supreme Court that ended the recount. Each state has the right to conduct the process in elections. The Court ignored the Constitution and handed George W. Bush the presidency. In 2016 a meeting was held in the Ov...