
Showing posts with the label John Kennedy

Every Time I Felt Convinced, Something Else Offered Questions About the Death of JFK

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I was just beginning high school in 1960 when John Fitzgerald Kennedy became our nation’s 35 th President. I was a senior when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas.   Th at Friday and the following w eekend, nothing was on our 2 0- inch television other than events related to the tragedy which affected all Americans. I cried many times. I am not a “hero worshipper,” but JFK changed my life and the lives of millions of other you ng Americans.   60 Years Revealed the Facts About the Murder of one of our Nation’s Few Great Presidents   Over the last 60 years of my life, facts about JFK’s murder have been revealed. All of them point to the fact that the Warren Commission misled the American people. President Kennedy was not assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald alone. This was a legitimate conspiracy theory.   President Kennedy was a threat to our legislative branch and our security agencies , including the FBI . He could ha...

Senator Kennedy’s Attacks Against Chicago Once Again Display his Ignorance

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Domestic terrorism and the rise in mass shootings with the use of legally obtained firearms have become America’s number one danger to its people and an embarrassment for a government which continues to ignore the facts. In a recent hearing, Senator John Kennedy failed miserably in his efforts to protect his party’s choice to ignore the safety of 330 million Americans. Since 1976, the NRA began moving away from being an advocate for gun safety into a lobby to increase gun sales for gun manufacturers and gun sellers. The Republican Party eagerly accepts campaign donations from the NRA, and to show their gratitude continues to protect the NRA from any legislation which might lessen the profits of their owners. After every mass shooting, those who call themselves “Republicans” today offer their “thoughts and prayers” but do nothing. Instead of taking action, they attempt to change the subject into a discussion founded on fantasy and half-truths. On Tuesday, D...

Trump Must be Such a Joy to be With: Not!

Op-d by TheWiseOldFart   Every former aide of your illegitimate former president who has been willing to talk to the press has nothing kind to say about Trump. So it should be no surprise to learn that his Thanksgiving Day message was nothing more than one of his everyday rants, complaining about how badly he is being treated by everyone although he has never done anything wrong in his life. He ranted about how unfairly he is being treated by the judge in his New York fraud trial, and the State’s Attorney General who indicted him. He complained about President Biden as he continued to deny the proven validity of the 2000 election. And although he is clearly the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement to destroy democracy and replace it with a fascist regime, he added: Oh, and “all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY.” He did end his boring and sometimes hilarious tirade with a positive ...