Trump is Treated Differently by the Press Because He is “Different”
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is clear that Trump has been given a free pass , confirming he is above the law, by the Justice Department. Any other man or woman who has committed the most egregious crimes in America would be in a federal prison awaiting trial. He has also been given a free pass by the mainstream media. He has been allowed to tell outrageous lies, violate the Constitution constantly, conti nue his vicious and false attacks on real Americans, all without repercussions. If th e former fourth estate was not complicit in Trump’s campaign, his poll numbers would be in the minus column. Not a single accomplishment in his life, no experience in government, including between 2017 and 2021 , a lifetime of crime exposed by more than 90 felony indictments, a confirmed and convicted sexual pred ator, recently convicted of 34 felony charges, the leader of America’s Neo - Nazi movement, these are some of Trump’s qualifications for becom ing your president. ...